Father fights to change paternity rights in Michigan, has court hearing next Friday

Article here. Excerpt:

'GENESEE COUNTY, MI (WNEM) - A bitter custody battle has spawned major changes in Lansing and now, a newly passed law is helping a Hartland father's fight to get his daughter back.

Daniel Quinn and his then 2 1/2-year-old daughter are all smiles in the pictures he has framed. But four years ago, his baby girl was taken away right in front of his eyes.

"Now, she's 6 years old, last time I talked to my daughter was August of 2008, and the last time I saw Maeleigh was Memorial Day of 2008," Quinn explained.

This story starts in 2006, when Quinn was dating Maeleigh's mother, a woman who he said claimed to be divorced. She got pregnant and the two moved in together. But shortly after Maeleigh was born, Quinn learned something wasn't quite right.

"At the hospital, I was denied to be able to sign my name on the birth certificate, and it was at that point, the hospital said that she was married," Quinn said.'

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This is very upsetting. Fathers should have the same rights and access to their children that mother's have. Marriage should not be a factor. Children should have equal rights to both parents and birth certificates should belong to the children with children having the right to accuracy. This long time law that paternity automatically goes to the husband needs to end.

Also the fact that the mothers husband is in prison is disturbing.

I hope this father is successful in his quest.

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