'The Myth of Male Decline'

Article here. Excerpt:

'SCROLL through the titles and subtitles of recent books, and you will read that women have become “The Richer Sex,” that “The Rise of Women Has Turned Men Into Boys,” and that we may even be seeing “The End of Men.” Several of the authors of these books posit that we are on the verge of a “new majority of female breadwinners,” where middle-class wives lord over their husbands while demoralized single men take refuge in perpetual adolescence.
If the ascent of women has been much exaggerated, so has the descent of men. Men’s irresponsibility and bad behavior is now a stock theme in popular culture. But there has always been a subset of men who engage in crude, coercive and exploitative behavior. What’s different today is that it’s harder for men to get away with such behavior in long-term relationships. Women no longer feel compelled to put up with it and the legal system no longer condones it. The result is that many guys who would have been obnoxious husbands, behaving badly behind closed doors, are now obnoxious singles, trumpeting their bad behavior on YouTube.'

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Talk about a false flag shell game. All of the books and articles that are being talked about are of the anti-male variety, the sort of "man up" goading that we've all come to expect from our society. They all demand that men do more for women, that men forget any notion of equality and equal responsibility and simply learn to accept women as their betters. And then we have articles such as this one which purport to refute them, but in reality only manage to say the same exact thing - that women require continued deference. This author doesn't even blink an eye when dragging out bad statistics and even more bad math in order to paint a vastly exaggerated picture of Patriarchal oppression that does not, in any way, actually exist.

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