Hillary Clinton and "Evil Men"

Reported from a speech by Hillary Clinton in Iowa:

'One questioner asked Clinton if her track record showed she could stand up to "evil men" around the world.

"The question is, we face a lot of dangers in the world and, in the gentleman's words, we face a lot of evil men and what in my background equips me to deal with evil and bad men," Clinton said. She paused to gaze while the audience interrupted with about 30 seconds of laughter and applause.

Meeting later with reporters, she was pressed repeatedly to explain what she meant. She insisted it was a simple joke.

"I thought I was funny," Clinton said. "You guys keep telling me to lighten up, be funny. I get a little funny and now I'm being psychoanalyzed."'

Is she referring to her husband, former president Bill Clinton, or perhaps other men she has dealt with in her political life? Or is she sending a not-so-subtle signal to voters (certainly female ones) in Iowa about what she thinks of male politicians, or men generally? Hmm, hard to say... is this an innocent, otherwise perhaps ambiguous comment, or a definite lash at a particular man, group of men, or men in general?

What do YOU think?

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I think it's the very ambiguity of the statement which she was going for: let anyone project onto it whoever and/or whatever they want. Typical politician-speak. We can all think of some man/men we don't like a lot. Cue applause.

Hopefully, someone will get the chance to ask her the same question with the words "evil women" instead. Considering the misogyny/misandry dichotomy, that should be much more interesting. If she gets anywhere near my neighborhood I'll give it a try.

* MB

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Having never dealt effectively with major problems in her personal life (Slick-Willie and Company), should Hillary be allowed to lead America? I think not! She evaded the question of whether she can handle "evil men," and typical of an opportunist (in denial), turned things to her advantage by not responding in a way that could be taken to record. Power is the sedative that lessens the pain of Hillary's unresolved emotional baggage. The cost to America to fill her prescription is far too high!

“Issues of character will take center stage as the presidential candidates line up for the ’08 election. Why? Because in the ruthless world of global politics where radical Islam has declared war against Western nations, America can afford nothing less. In this eye-opening piece beginning a series on the subject, FSM Contributing Editor and psychotherapist Joan Swirsky examines why one of the front-runners is not fit to lead.”

Exclusive: Hillary Typical of Abused Women – Not Fit to Lead, Joan Swirsky


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Back in the day, all references to a group of people were mentioned as men by default (policemen, firemen, mailmen, etc). This was one of feminism's first attacks. Now we have politically correct langauge.

If we are talking about a group of people in a positive light (soldiers, firefighters, police officers), gender neutral language must be used. You can't say "the brave men in Iraq" because that excludes the (few) women in service. It makes sense until you reach the negative groups.

However, as in this case, if a group of people are in a negative light, then it's okay to keep the "men" reference. Evil men, a terrorist used his bomb, etc. There are evil women, but they don't have to be included in the generalization. Feminism doesn't really care about equality as a principle, but just equality in all positive lights. Another good example is the gender of God. Some feminists are trying to argue that God is a woman, but do you see anybody arguing that the devil is a woman? We can keep the bad groups, boys. Aren't we so lucky.

I don't think the statement "evil men" was meant in any misandric sense (other than what I'm talking about above), but just represents some of the remaining areas politically correct language has deliberately left out. I'll give you that she should have corrected it if she wanted to avoid any alienations of the voter base (there ARE democrat men) but that probably didn't cross her mind. Just my theory.

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... I disagree with the linked article author's contention that Hillary Clinton is an abused woman. I think she is simply a political opportunist who realized at some point that her husband (or would-be husband if she did the calculations before they were married, which is probably what happened) was going to make it very high into politics, possibly even the presidency, and that from there she could also find her way to greatness.

Personally I have no belief that theirs was anything other than a marriage of convenience, a marriage in the "classic" sense: a mere business arrangement that maybe occasionally included the usual stuff married people are supposed to do together. But I seriously doubt Hillary R. Clinton can be called an "abused woman".

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My own take was she was referring more generally to "the Republicans", something that for some reason hasn't been suggested in the media. I believe it's much more likely she was referring to the GOP as opposed to anyone else, like Bill, when she cracked her "joke". That seems to fit so much better the context and the history she has had as a pol.

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This is only the beginning of her very public demise.

Hillary is a straw-woman, the very first in US political herstory!

The pundits say we just have to "get to know her" in order to luv/vote for her.

But, see...

The problem is, the MORE you know about Hillary, the LESS there is to admire.

(It's that evil patriarchal issue of character and integrity....)

If she actually does not terminate her presidential run voluntarily, she will set back the possibility of a female President by 100 years.

Run Hillary!

You go grrrllllll!!!

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If Rudy Giuliani made a similar comment.."I know how to deal with bad, evil women" What would happen? He would be disgraced, his presidential aspirations would be destroyed. He would have to make a public apology, ultimately destroying his political future. I have a feeling these anti-male comments will continue, causing Hillary to lose virtually all support from male voters. It sounds like Hillary is watching too much of the "View", and has adopted Rosie's ignorant manor when dealing with the media. Hillary in '08, not going to happen as she continues to shoot herself in the foot.

"I thought I was funny," Clinton said. "You guys keep telling me to lighten up, be funny. I get a little funny and now I'm being "psychoanalyzed."'.....sorry Hillary, playing the victim card will be your downfall. You want to run for president? You must be able to handle the media scrutiny, no special privildges because of your gender.

The front page of the NY Daily News described her comment as "Hillarious"...not holding her accountable for such an assine statement.


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Hillary is a known batterer. A domestic violence queen.

She is so passive-aggressive that even her alibis are assaults on men.

She will self-destruct because somebody with a cell videophone is going to capture the defining lie and upload it to YouTube.

Hillary has only so much camouflage...

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Hitlery, oops, Hillary is an opportunist period. It's obvious to anyone, who has enough brain cells to tie their shoes, that Hillary's driving force is her lust for power. What's Hillary's position on the major issues of the times? It depends on the audiance she is entertaining; she changes positions more often than shoes!

She would have been the perfect addition to Hitler's Henchmen (oops, I mean Henchpeople LOL). It's amazing how many characteristics she shares with Adolf: opportunist, narcissist, etc.

Of course, the liberal press will never call her on her ever changing world view!

“"If Bill was all id, Hillary is all superego. Comedians still make fun of Bill's out-of-control appetites, but with Hillary, the mockery is about how she lets nothing be out of control (except perhaps her husband). Last weekend, "Saturday Night Live" portrayed her explaining her position on the war thusly: "I think most Democrats know me. They understand that my support for the war was always insincere. Of course, knowing what we know now, that you could vote against the war and still be elected president, I would never have pretended to support it."”

Hillary the Calculator

Another Example:

Hillary Fibs in Iowa About Ethanol, Voted Against It

Can you imagine Hitlery representing the USA as a mediator of World crises?! You're right, no you're right, and you're also right...

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I know it's not fair, but Mother Nature has engineered a ten-year period of hormonal craziness in all women, called menopause.

Hillary is right smack in the middle of her CRAZY DAZE right now.

The US does not need to follow a dry-drunk -in-denial Prezodent with a dry vagina seeking to recover her attractiveness.

Al Gore, it's time to announce that you were already elected!

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The Latin translation of "ad hominem" is "against the man":)

The writer of the article sounds like an idiot, calling having affairs "abuse". Think about it..if this is true, then even the writer would have to admit that women also abuse their husbands quite frequently (by having affairs).

I would not vote for H. Clinton under any circumstances - and I lean left. It is true she is undergoing menopause. It is possible to read too much into the statement about men, but since she is a feminist, it is a foregone conclusion that she is anti-male; so the question is moot.

Hillary's Axis of Evil: Lewinsky, Flowers, Bill.


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