German doctor: Circumcision like piercing ear

Article here. Excerpt:

'The president of the German Association of Pediatricians was quoted Sunday by the Frankfurter Sonntagszeitung as comparing circumcision to "drilling a hole in the ear of a child and causing physical damage."

On Friday, a district court in Berlin was asked to rule in a unique case in Germany, in which parents of a three-year-old girl demanded compensation from a piercing studio on the grounds that their child was traumatized and had complained of pain in the days after her ears were pierced.
"A hole in a child's ear causes irreversible damage, just like circumcision is an irreversible act," said Hartmann, adding that "circumcision is obviously a violation of utmost importance."'

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getting your ear pierced is like getting your forskin pierced

getting circumcised is like losing 70% of your hearing and actual ear..

are these people retards?

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The important thing is that they consider circumcision to be a bad thing.

Which, in my opinion, it is.

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