Feminists Today Are Replica of Male Chauvinist Pigs 30 Years Ago

Article here. Excerpt:

'"Women feminists today are an exact replica of male chauvinist pigs 30 years ago because women today think that men are not necessary," she explained. "They are the same as men 30 or 40 years ago saying that women were mindless ninnies."

Feminism today, she described, can be defined as having two foundational issues. One obvious one is abortion. The other one that Passno says is less understood is essentially the rejection of men.

"What the feminist movement has done is it's gone from wanting equality with men to being a movement that doesn't think that men are really necessary at all."
Passno doesn't want women today to fall for the rhetoric of feminists – that success means pursuing a career and climbing the corporate ladder; men aren't needed; children are a constraint; and abortion is a choice that women ought to make.'

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Bullshit. Men 30-50 years ago never thought that women were not necessary. Far from it. What is being termed male chauvinist pigs were simply those who bought into the traditional roles of women and didn't want that to change. This is far from being similar to the hatred that is ingrained in radical feminist ideas of needing to rid the world of men.

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