NCFMLA makes its presence know in CA's Capitol - in Superior Court

On Thursday, members of the National Coalition of Free Men, Los Angeles flew and drove to Sacramento to attend a trial in Superior Court on Friday. The lawsuit was addressing areas of California law, where it alleges California discriminates against men in domestic violence law, and in programs & services available for Mothers (but not Fathers) in CA prisons. Here is a link to a story that ran in the Capitol weekly
Battered men seek equal protection

The reporter appears to have stated some info incorrectly, but overall it appears fairly accurate.

Also, here's an online link to the lawsuit.
Woods, et, al. vs. State of CA, et. al.

Here’s a photo taken of a truck, belonging to one of NCFMLA’s members, as the truck was setting in front of the State Capitol on Thursday. As you can see in this, and subsequent photos, it was somewhat overcast on Thursday and Friday.

Here's another sign that was shown to the public and politicians in front of CA's State Capitol.

Several people from the Capitol building came up and talked about the meaning of the truck sign and the men's issues it addressed. They also took NCFMLA fliers that explained the organization's perspective on men's issues.

Friday morning, the NCFMLA member's truck was parked in front of the Superior Court bldg. on 9th street from about 7 - 9:30 A.M. - just before the trial started.
Sacramento Superior Court

A lot of people looked at the display, and some who looked, stopped and stared curiously. Here's what they saw from the steps leading to the Superior Court bldg.
Feminist Programs Get Billions While Men's Needs Go Begging

The National Coalition of Free Men was certainly presenting itself in a diplomatic and informative manner, yet trying to convey men's issues in a realistic light. Some might say the "victim card" was being played, yet many passers by appeared pleased to see men's issues being presented so honestly and openly in California's capitol

The 375 miles up to Sacramento on Thursday, and 375 miles back to Los Angeles on Friday, was a whirlwind trip, but one well worth making.. It was a trip that most likely needs to be made again, and again, and again, ad infinitum, considering the decades that gender feminist biases have been enshrined into California's laws.

Perhaps with the help of the National Coalition of Free Men, and its friends, and supporters, California will begin to write a new chapter in its history. Perhaps that chapter will be one that truly enshrines gender equality and gender fairness into law, instead of the misandry that California, in recent decades, has become so infamous for.

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I lived in the bronx until Third grade, when I moved. The thing that caused me to mine was when an older friend of mine's(he was 15) older sister(she was 20) one day, after leaving his house, she followed me, and beat me, kicked me, etc. I was fearing for my life. I told my dad, and he didn't believe me, told my mom, same... so I went to the one place I still trust to this day. The Catholic church. Our new house is within three blocks of our local church

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(From the linked article )-- "After the two hour hearing, Connelly gave both sides until March 2 to reply to several issues that came up. He is asking the plaintiffs' attorney, Marc Angelucci, to submit a supplemental brief addressing the plaintiffs' legal right to bring suit, as well as answer some other technical questions."

Once again, this all goes back to the codification of domestic violence law as specified in VAWA.

Men are once again going to be told they have NO STANDING (i.e. right to be heard as a plaintiff) in court.

I would like to ask Marc to comment, if he's not already consumed with trying to decode this misandrist judge's order.

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"Once again, this all goes back to the codification of domestic violence law as specified in VAWA.

Men are once again going to be told they have NO STANDING (i.e. right to be heard as a plaintiff) in court.

I would like to ask Marc to comment, if he's not already consumed with trying to decode this misandrist judge's order."


You certainly raise valid points and I hope Marc gets a chance to respond to the points you raise. I know he is busy working on another case involving Paternity Fraud.

Colloquially speaking, the hot potato has certainly been handed to the Judge in clearly defined legal arguments, and it will be revealing to see what new rulings (one way or the other) might come out of this case. Marc certainly argued the points of law well in my estimation.

In support of your skeptical observations, I must say you are not alone in your skepticism. I had the opportunity to read about the first 30 or so pages in Judge Robert H. Dierker, Jr's. new book, The Tyranny of Tolerance. I highly recommend it. The good Judge from Missouri certainly pulls no punches is his assessment of the femifascists' (his words) corrupt influence on our courts. In reading his assessments, one can certainly see plenty of possibilities for things to go unjustly, anytime a man goes before a court in America. It seems the good Judge faced some kind of judicial review, because the "femifascist viewpoint" was displeased with a ruling he made in a sexual harassment case.

As we know, Judges are trained by STOP gaps funded under VAWA to take a liberal interpretation of the constitution as a living, breathing document constantly changing to fit the needs of the times so Judge Dierker has certainly seen the "whites of their eyes." With strong pressures from gender feminists interest groups, 14th ammendment interpretations have come to view women as historically oppressed, and in need of special privileges to have "equality." Domestic violence law is but one area, where we have seen this "tyranny of tolerance" foisted on the American public.

As Judge Dierker points out, concerning the "equal protection" interpretation of the 14th amendment: "The sad truth of the matter is the courts have moved from the injustice of the 19th century 'separate but equal' ruling (Plessy v. Ferguson - 1896) to the tyranny of today's, liberal 'separate, but more equal,' interpretation, wherein women are granted special privileges under law that men are denied." (paraphrased to fit the context of this discussion).

To the best of my understanding, according to a literalist interpretation of the constitution, both positions (separate but equal/separate but more equal) are unconstitutional.

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Thanks for the comments Roy, Ray etc. On the standing issue, the judge did recognize that one of our plaintiffs has standing, and he also made it clear that he thinks these laws are unconstitutional. We just need to do some additional briefing. It's complex because we have 4 plaintiffs asserting standing on several grounds including as citizens and taxpayers, and there are prior cases that must be analyzed and distinguished. To go into all that would be very lengthy and may not even be smart to do online. But we're going to win this one in a few months after we deal with some technicalities.

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"STOP gaps funded under VAWA"

Make that STOP grants, not STOP gaps.

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And what why did she follow you an pummel you to the point of fearing for your life? I'm not saying you caused the incident I am just wondering what her motivations were for the attack.

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The church provided me a place to go after school, where I could stay for a while without being turned away... I just needed a place to get away from it all, and collect my thoughts. I'm now a very religious man, because of it.

I have no idea what I did, or what she was thinking, when she beat me up... I avoided her, and her brother, like the plague for the next three weeks until vacation. Then I was relieved to hear we'd be moving a couple weeks later... because my dad found a house very close to his brother for sale.

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If I had a law degree (I do have three university diplomas) I would be honored to do pro bono service for you and the MRA cause.

Need a videographer?

Michael Moorer must be looking for new bank about now.

If he wants a new scam, men's rights are ripe for the picking....

Maybe Glenn has his number?

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As we know, Judges are trained by STOP gaps funded under VAWA to take a liberal interpretation of the constitution as a living, breathing document constantly changing to fit the needs of the times

If the Constitution is a "living, breathing document" as the librals say, why does it define in its very text the methods by which it can be altered?

The founders of the Constitution knew that it would need to change over the course of time. That is why they included the methods to induce said changes. To state that the founders thought the document was open to interpertation is cognative dissonance.

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I am still trying to figure out what I believe. My young experiences with the protestant church were not as comforting and have not sought out a church as a place for comfort in many years. I am in no way opposed to the idea and like I said I am very happy for you that you have benefited from your experience with religion. I am spiritual but at the same time distrustful of organized religion.

I am sorry that you had to endure that beating. I am glad you are now part of the group of people that are now working to change the laws and societal views that allow females to go completely unaccountable for their acts of violence.

I hope you find the legal battles like this one a great source of hopefulness that there may be a future where true equality is achieved and we may start collectively to heal as a whole of humanity.

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