How About a Title IX for Women on Boards?

Article here. Excerpt:

'I think we need a Title IX for Boards of Directors.

Last month, the business group CED issued an urgent plea for increasing representation of women on corporate boards. The blue chip panel wrapped its message in God, Flag, and U.S. Competitiveness. But the organization pulled its punches when it comes to getting the job done. Rather than call for a clear test, like the Title IX equivalent of equal expenditures, we are left with the hope that enlightened boards will lead the parade. Meanwhile, we are being beat to a pulp by our competitors -- France and Norway, among others, require boards to step up their game. To make their numbers, corporations in these countries have begun to poach the U.S. field of experienced, board-ready women. It's a little like American women moving from California to Rio to get a chance at beach volleyball.'

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... no one seems to be saying that we need a Title IX for professions like refuse collection and bomb disposal?

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If women really make better board members, CEO's, and managers they will get there on their own merits, (if they desire that kind of position.) Quotas are not good for employers, employees or consumers. Government should stay out of private industry and let free-market reign.

I also hope private industry doesn't buy into this by thinking it will be a good PR campaign to advertise they voluntarily have pro-female quotas in place. (Like some airlines actually think their 'no men next to unaccompanied minors' is good PR, or companies that give preferred parking to low emission vehicles at the front of their store. They actually think this is GOOD for PR!)

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