Erie County, PA: Female teacher charged with sex with student

Story here.

Until the judicial system holds women accountable for such crimes, this disturbing trend will continue. Excerpt:

"Robin Lee Hecker, a teacher at Northwestern High School, was charged yesterday with five counts of corruption of minors. Police say she had sex with the tenth grader in August 2005 at her Albion home."

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Did the male student really feel like a victim or did he feel like a stud? I wonder what he thinks and how word about this got out to the authorities. This is the sort of thing I would have dreamed about when I was in high school.

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Whipper who you trying to kid. An aspect of the board as well as the entire MRA movement is the victimization of male children by female adults. Your comment is quite ignorant for a post on such a site.

Evil White Male Oppressor
"I am Not a Number I am a Free Man"

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The MRA movement would like to one day achieve true equality and as such we are opposed to the double standards in law and society that put males at a disadvantage to women which the feminist movement not only fails to address because they are beneficial to women in some cases.

In fact, regardless of gender, teens are often quite flattered initially by sexual attention from older adults who they often have crushes on. Teen girls often feel as though it was a boyfriend girlfriend relationship when they have affairs with adult men. Girls change their minds

a) When their friends disapprove and rumors spread about them. Women crush rumors by crushing some one else. (like boys, they usually don't care what their parents think. Although like boys it's often their parents who call the cops)

b) The girl involved was a 'man eater' in training and from the first moment intended to use the male as a fall guy in their ascension to the infallible and invincible status of victim power. When they get a whiff of all the perks associated with sexual assault charges (that in Canada and most States are easily in the multi-thousands in free no strings attached money) and discover that as soon as a girl charges some one with rape she immediately has all her sins wiped from the memory of all around her and becomes a star and a hero to people she's never even met.

Girls are rarely the innocent victims in their tweenie/teen years and often are fully aware of their sexual power and are learning to exploit it. Ever wonder why less then 5% of reported rapes against girls involve any form of physical violence? I'm not saying it's ok to have sex with teen girls no matter what age you are (younger, older, same age it doesn't matter 'cause if she changes her mind at any time in the future your goose is cooked as even many States have lifted their statutes of limitations or extended them to begin when the girl turns 18 or 21 on sexual assault cases). The term 'jail bait' didn't become a popular chliche for no reason.

This isn't always true but it is allot more often then people believe.

When it comes to teen boys, they aren't the predators in training you believe they are either. Teen boys (especially the ones that get involved with older women) often share many things in common with the teen girls who get involved with older men like insecurity and low self esteem.

The difference arises in social perception that boys/men must be the ones who initiate all sexual contact and are the conquerers of women. The problem with this myth is the same as the problem with the eternal victim myth for girls - nearly 100% of those who claim it don't fit the image that we have for what those things mean. The boy who's the "stud" for sleeping with his teacher usually hasn't had ANY girlfriends his own age and is very shy when it comes to the opposite sex. The more often then not have insecurities about their bodies or abilities and are afraid to approach girls as a result. The problem is this could easily be the football star and not the UN Club geek (sound familiar - it should - they are closer to fitting the stereo type of victim we have for girls). The older women who seduce them often believe they are helping them overcome their fears and come out of their shell.

Teen girls sometimes fit that fold as well. But sometimes they closer fit the image of the conquering male stud because as the other myth goes which teen girls believe whole heartedly but is utterly untrue is that teen girls mature faster then teen boys. Teen girls getting involved with older men often start the relationship and even initiate the sex. They think they are to mature for high school 'boys' and they are ready for a real man who knows how to make them cum.

And that's the whole problem with Stereo types. Rarely is justice served when we hail a teen boy who's been seduced by an older woman before he was really ready despite being the football hero. And rarely is justice served when an adult man goes to jail because he was seduced by a girl that thought she was ready or had a reputation to clean up and was looking to dawn the impenetrable cloak of victim hood to wipe the slate clean.

The problem is the system and the media don't really care about the detail and are based solely on the stereotype that no matter what girl/woman = good and boy/man - bad. Sexual assault cases are about as poorly handled by the justice system as drug cases. They rarely help anyone involved and focus primarily on trivial matters of no real consequence that would be much better served by treatment and counseling for all and not a prison cell for the one deemed bad and free money and false fame for the one deemed good.

Bottom line - all sexual assault cases need to be judged solely on facts and never on stereotypes and absolutely not on gender.

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