Foreskin Pride March, 4-5 Aug. 2012, Vancouver, Canada, a project of CAN-FAP

Foreskin Pride March, 4-5 Aug. 2012, Vancouver, Canada, a project of CAN-FAP

Watch the short video of the Foreskin Pride Salute.

Visit CAN-FAP’s Facebook page:

Visit for details on the 4-5 Aug. 2012 Foreskin Pride March in Vancouver, BC, Canada.

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I don't see any men in this video. I see skinny feminized manginas with voices like little girls being the puppets of feminists. Who is that pathetic baby dick with the next beared (the feminist puppet) with the megaphone in the video? If MRA's get folded into homosexualist activism I am going to form my own militant splinter group. You know who I want to see as a spokesman of Mens Rights? Vinnie Paz. Why? Because he's a man:

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@ cwondermagic1

These people are activists standing up for their cause, which is a cause supported by most/all here at this site. I am glad they took the time to do so.

I am sorry they did not look or sound manly enough for you. /s.

Seriously, WTF?

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@ cwondermagic1

Doesn't it cause you cognitive dissonance to complain about how men are forced to have certain characteristics and responsibilities in our society, only to chastise other men who don't meet your standard of masculinity? It just seems a bit hypocritical to me.

What is a real man? IMO, it is a man who speaks out against injustice, and doesn't care what others think of him for it. That being said, the men in the video fit this description to a tee.

I have no problem with effeminate men or homosexuals joining our causes. The more the merrier, as far as I'm concerned!

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