Australian Department of Health & Ageing: "Mates to Drive Suicide Prevention on Construction Sites"

Link here. Excerpt:

'Minister for Mental Health Mark Butler has announced $5.24 million for a new suicide prevention initiative to be rolled out on construction sites across Australia.

Minister Butler announced the funding for suicide prevention program Mates in Construction at a construction industry conference in South Australia.

Mr Butler said the program would build better connections between construction workers, mental health professionals and other organisations to offer support for people in these industries who are at risk of suicide.
“Getting men to seek help on mental health issues is notoriously difficult, but the Mates in Construction program seems to have cracked this chestnut for the building and construction industry.”
“We have more than 23,000 workers in the program nationally and we connect two to three workers to help each other every day - I believe this additional funding will help us save lives,” Mr Gullestrup said.'

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I didn't read the article, but it wouldn't be a terrible leap in logic to say that this is just another front of sexual terrorism against working class men. "Men as mates" sounds like a ploy to homosexualize relationships between heterosexual men beyond the flesh-terror prison hell of the school. Beyond school (because only girls and homosexuals are encouraged to be intellectual) they have no way to terrorize men outside of movies and television - the answer? To homosexual the male dominated workplace with "Workers as mates!"

You are not feminized enough, you knuckle dragging men! You already suffered through the psychological terrorism of the femi-school and got the only job you can get in your mentally shattered state (lugging bricks), and even though you are a drug addict to deal with the emotional hate-structure spoon fed to you as a child, now we are going to sexually terrorize you at work - more so!

Thank God for this website. . .

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What's wrong with you? You are one of the most aggressively and offensively vocal members of this website as of late, and even when men are getting attention you moan and whinge that you don't like it. You're like a feminist, never able to take a win (however small) as anything other than more victimization. You're what's called a professional victim. And your clear disdain for homosexuality only makes things worst. The fact you didn't bother to read the article before making such a judgement only furthers this opinion of you.

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