Dr. Drew: Why are so many mass murderers men?
Submitted by mens_issues on Tue, 2012-07-31 03:37
So according to this article and video, not only do men commit mass murder 10 times as often as women, when women do it, it's for love (as opposed to men doing it for money, revenge, or power). Excerpt:
'In the midst of all the horrendous stories in the news recently, HLN’s Dr. Drew welcomed clinical psychiatrist Dr. Dale Archer who explained some of the basic differences between male and female killers.
Dr. Archer says men are 10 times more likely to murder than women, noting their motives are vastly different.
“Men typically kill for money, revenge and power,” he said. “With women, it is about love -- either someone they have loved, someone they currently love... their kids. So it's much more emotional when it comes to women.”'
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women kill that which they love?
I can't decide if Dr. Archer is a genius or off his rocker.
This certainly explains some female behavior.
And it also excuses that same behavior.
"I killed you out of love," says the woman.
"Gosh," responds the dead man, "I feel so much better. Not"
Women are more likely to murder children
Women are more likely to murder children. I just know she is doing it out of the gentleness of her delicate female soul when she drowns her children in the tub, force feeds them serious psychotropic drugs, or smothers them with a pillow. I think the female soul is by nature retarded and can not experience genuine love.
This article contradicts the
This article contradicts the reasons for female serial killers - it says they are more likely to kill for profit than men are. http://suite101.com/article/female-serial-killers-a14741
When She Was Bad
"When She Was Bad," a book on female killers documents that some of the most prolific serial killers were women. From a review of the book: "Women commit the majority of child homicides in the United States; more than 80 percent of neonaticides; an equal or greater share of severe physical child abuse; an equal rate of spousal assault; about a quarter of child sexual molestations; and a large proportion of elder abuse... The rate at which infants are murdered by women in the U.S. is higher than the rate at which women are murdered by men." With carefully researched facts, fascinating case histories, and incisive argument, Patricia Pearson succeeds in demolishing the myth that women are not naturally violent.
Child sexual abuse
I know child sexual abuse by women was not researched for many years because everyone believed women did not commit sexual abuse. It's only recently that anyone's researched the issue. I wonder if it's actually higher than the 25% Pearson found.
female perpetrated violent crime
Patricia Pearson's book is a real eye opener. Fascinating book. She points out that it is insulting to women to deny their agency, to not hold them accountable for their deliberate acts of violence. She also discusses women's indirect aggression, what some have referred to as "violence by proxy" -- women's tendency to get others (mostly men) to do their violence for them. When She Was Bad is a book I'd recommend to all, especially those who insist on infantilizing women.
Riddle me this Dr. Drew:
Why are so many men inventors, scientists, explorers, and heroes?