NYTimes' Room for Debate section

Two topics jump out at me: Are Modern Men Manly Enough? and An Age of Consent for Circumcision?.

Funny, I don't see a section called "Are Modern Women Feminine Enough?" or "An Age of Consent for Female Circumcision?"

Oh yeah, that's right, that's because female circumcision of minors is outlawed (and rightly so). And as for questioning if modern women are feminine enough? Who would dare? But is it even considered a relevant matter these days? And if not, why is wondering about the "manliness" of men even a topic?

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I found the article by Shawn Taylor to be partifularly offensive.

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I did not read this media poison, but the "Are Modern Men Manly Enough?" brought to mind all the 300+ pound women out there.

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They're definitely manly enough. :)

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