'More Female Than Male Olympians? Thank a Feminist!'

Article here. Excerpt:

'We all know by now that for the first time in history, the U.S. Olympic team will have more women (269) than men (261). Just incidentally, these numbers also exactly reflect the demographics of our country as a whole, where women make up 50.8 percent of the total population.

So the dominance of women this year is just a natural progression, right?

Not exactly. When our female athletes march into Olympic Stadium in London, they will be marching on the shoulders of feminists, male and female alike, who worked like hell against very long odds to make it happen. The London games have been called the "Title IX Olympics," appropriately laying credit to the 1972 law that opened athletic opportunities to girls and women in schools taking federal money, meaning virtually all of them.

In addition, Title IX has been under constant attack ever since it was passed, with dozens of weakening amendments and rules put forward over the years. Some lawmakers still claim it should be repealed, that it's unfair to boys, and takes away from male sports teams. But statistics show football hogs resources from both male and female teams -- and Penn State should teach us what football worship at its worst can do.'

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Been a while since I read anything by her.

See http://news.mensactivism.org/node/19442#comment-26299. Pretty much sums up my response.

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"As the mother of two male athletes, I don't advocate taking opportunities away from one group to give to another, and neither do any feminists I know."

Actually, that's exactly what you advocate. Saying you don't is just a lie.

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