Huffington Post: Penis Stolen by Thieves

Story here. The story is not framed in terms of genital mutilation or psychiatric trauma, but instead in lighthearted terms that trivialize the matter, provoking ridicule and trivialization on the part of commenters themselves. Excerpt:

'Fei Lin, 41, of the Niqiao village near Wenling City, in east China’s Zhejiang province, told police he was asleep when the thieves burst into his room and put a bag over his head, according to CEN/EUROPICS and as reported in the Daily Star.

"They put something over my head and pulled down my trousers and then they ran off," Lin said. "I was so shocked I didn't feel a thing - then I saw I was bleeding and my penis was gone."

Police believe the attackers were jealous lovers of several local women whom Lin was having affairs with, the Austrian Times reported. Lin denied taking part in any infidelity.'

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I'm not sure why "stolen" is in the title. It should be "assault", a few adjectives like "violent" or "horrific" would be more accurate as well.

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I can't believe all of the joke comments below the story. Why do people find such a horrific act of violence to be something to joke about? I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy.

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