Title IX Laws Continue To Destroy Male Athletics

Story here. Excerpt:

"One of the main reasons Director of Athletics Kirby Hocutt gave yesterday, for eliminating lacrosse, men’s swimming and diving and men’s indoor and outdoor track and field from was the athletic program’s inability to comply with Title IX.
These cuts were the first steps in the "development of a comprehensive gender equity plan..."
Mid-American Conference commissioner Rick Chryst said that he thinks the elimination of men’s track and field and men’s swimming and diving is a part of a national trend."

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Amazing, really. At once the news is filled with reports of obesity and a lack of interest in exercise generally. The gov't seeks to encourage exercise and spends money to do so. At the same time, it finds ways of cutting athletic programs at colleges and universities, a time when many people's exercise habits are made (or not).

Not just an example of persecuting males, but also of how Peter has no idea what Paul is doing, much less trying to rob him.

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Feminists would like nothing better then to encourage more men to be fat lazy slobs by denying them opportunities because in their delusional minds men always have been nothing more then fat lazy good for nothing slobs holding women back. They'll do anything within their power - and since education if firmly in their grip from pre-k all the way to post grad doctrine studies - they use it as a tool to make their vision of perfection come true. After all lesbianism is in their view the ultimate path to enlightenment so they need to attempt at all costs to convert straight women into the saphic fold.

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It has become abundantly clear that feminism's version of gender "equality" depends upon reducing men's choices, eliminating men's spaces, destroying the social arenas where masculinity may be taught, learned, transmitted.

Title IX is a great example of this feminist principle.

In order for women to be equal, men must be incapacitated, erased, obstructed...

It's like the last NYC marathon that was "won" by a female runner who got a twenty-minute head start.... her actual time was behind the top ten males, but she did indeed cross the finish line "first" and all the misandric press played along with the ruse.

The reason feminism requires the incapacitation of men is very simple -- men are the superior half of the species, and women know this.

There are zero female philosophers of any significance. The reason being that abstract thought has no usefulness for a gender composed of narcissistic successful concubines.

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"men are the superior half of the species"

And whites are superior to blacks, right? Give me a break. You sound like the male counterpart to some radical 60s feminist.
There are more intelligent and successful men simply because there is more variation between them. There's also more stupid men than women.

Anyway, I'm glad this is a non-issue in my country. Here, people at schools and universities actually try to study instead of pursuing a "career" as an athletic :). School's teams are unheard of.

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"men are the superior half of the species"

And whites are superior to blacks, right? Give me a break. You sound like the male counterpart to some radical 60s feminist.

Well, in athletics, men are superior to women. Men are faster, stronger, etc. This is true across the spectrum of the population. There are few areas where women can physically compete with men.

As for the white vs black comparison, blacks do dominate in big name college sports, meaning football and basketball (at large colleges/universities, this is where most of the athletic program budget is both generated and spent). While I have no data, my guess is that blacks receive a disproportionate number of athletic scholarships. As for me, I have no problem with this as long as it's based on ability and merit. However, consistent application of Title IX should require that we have racially balanced athletic programs. This would mean denying athletic scholarships to many blacks.

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Sure men are superior in sports, but it sounded like it was about mental abilities, too (philosophers..).
About athletic programs, well I already said what I think about these. Should be absolutely secondary from my point of view, although I do think it can be a good thing for young guys to let off steam in this positive way.

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