Aurora heroes: Three who gave their lives
Here is the latest of a few stories I've come across about men in their 20s saving the lives of their girlfriends and dying in the process in the Aurora movie massacre:
'(CNN) -- Great evil often brings out the best in good men, men like Todd Beamer on Flight 93, Medal of Honor recipient Michael Murphy in Afghanistan, and now the Aurora three -- the three young men, each in different parts of theater nine, who gave their lives to protect their girlfriends.
These men were three of the 12 innocent people killed early that morning. Their incredible sacrifice leaves us asking: Why? Why would a young man with his entire life ahead of him risk everything for a woman he has no legal, financial or marital obligations to?
They believed, to put it simply, in a code of honor. They put the lives of the women before their own, an old fashioned notion to be sure, but certainly an honorable one (if you have any doubt, ask the survivors). Their instincts were to protect, not run away.
In an age when traditional manhood has been increasingly relegated to fiction -- capes, masks and green screens -- these three men stand as real-life heroes. Their actions remind us that good triumphs over evil, not just in movies, but also in reality.'
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Short version
Men are only truly valuable/respectable/honorable/etc. if they will let themselves be riddled with bullets/blown up/beat to death/stabbed to death/etc. to save the life of a woman/child.
Notice that in this whole disgusting senseless bloody horror, three men willingly gave their lives to protect three women. Not a single woman in that audience, it seems, did the same, or tried to (at least not that we've heard).
Women are at the summit of their value to humanity when they take the trouble to push out new lives into the world. Men are at the summit of their value to humanity when they give their lives for woman or child. And so it goes.
Actually, it's 4 men
There was at least 1 other man that died protecting a woman in that theatre.
What bothers me even more than these men's sacrifice, is that it is the gunman that is being used in many articles to represent masculinity. I've seen a few "what is wrong with men" articles using this guy as a catalyst (douche-bag feminist Hugo S being one of them). So we have 4 men who sacrificed themselves, lord knows how many more shielded their girlfriends but survived, and yet, the one lone gunman is the one that represents men, not the 4 dead ones. It really pisses me off how feminists can be so callous.