“Nice Guys” Contribute to Rape Culture
Article here. Excerpt:
'Feminist women have taught me many things. One is that sexual/domestic violence can’t occur without sexism (racism, homophobia, etc.). Sexual violence is supported by a “rape culture” that glorifies objectification and male ownership of girls and women. Sexual coercion is painted as romantic–men are not only expected to use coercion to “score,” they are pressured and punished as “unmanly” if they don’t.
Men, we have a crucial role to play in this. We benefit from male privilege every moment of every day. We may not ask for it, but it’s there. So let’s use it to confront rape-supportive behavior, rape jokes and rape culture whenever we can. Let’s listen when we’re told we’ve done something that inadvertently supports rape culture, rather than getting defensive. Let’s learn from feminist women who speak and write about sexual violence and rape culture. Let’s support our local rape crisis center and state sexual assault coalition. Let’s be “aspiring allies” to feminist women, as together we work to create a world free from sexual violence.'
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Fuck you.
No. Fuck you. I don't support "The violence against women and children center." I would support the "Violence against human center," but then that throws a big wrench in the feminist propaganda machinery. It might have to include the psychological violence women are so expert at inflicting upon men, with their faces painted up like stupid clowns, fake hair, fake nails, lying about how many guys she fucked and how beat up her pussy is after using dildos, vibrators, and whatever else these animals sodomize themselves with. She paints her face like a clown and has a drink, so she can claim female victim-hood, and after she sleeps with you then calls you a rapist, she might even murder your unborn child out of nothing else than the hate in her bitter, spiteful, small little soul. Fuck you, and fuck feminists. They are a disease in human consciousness and should be cut out, hacked off like a gangrenous limb. Feminism is an ideology of hate, ignorance, and power. Fight feminism, fight lies, fight ignorance, and lets try to save our boys souls from the feminist indoctrination centers they call colleges.
Rape culture
There is no rape culture. It is a feminist ideological construction and a hateful myth perpetuated by pure propaganda.
fraud and a feminist scam
As long as domestic violence and rape laws are based on a gender feminist model of "gender based violence," they're nothing but outright fraud - a feminist scam. Such laws (rightly so) deserve no respect from any citizen, or juror.
women's violence
According to the U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services and DOJ statistics, more kids are killed by neglect and abuse in a year (1,460 in 2005), than all the female intimate partner homicides in a year (1,181 in 2005).
And mothers are the single largest group of kid killers. They have a rate twice that of fathers, yet the taxpayer funded (gender feminist run) domestic violence industry would have us believe that women don't egregiously batter men too. They're lying!
As shown by HHS statistics, the age range for those child homicides is about ten times narrower than that for female intimate partner homicide, making that rate of child homicide far more concentrated.
Yet funding to prevent those child homicides is minimal, compared to the billions that go to the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA).
Why do we never hear about women's documented violence in any gender feminist discussions about "gender based violence?"
Go to http://manamongoaks.com/lumber.html for documentation and links about women's violence against men.
Male privilege?
What is male privilege?
I'm of the generation of men that was drafted to fight a war in Viet Nam only a few politicians believed in. Was that male privilege? Some of these men can be found today on the street, homeless, their limbs, their lives gone, dependent on drugs to kill the pain from a wound that cannot heal. Is that male privilege? My brother was at Khe Sahn--and couldn't talk about it until about two years ago. Is that male privilege?
Jane Fonda, however, betrayed these men and is being lauded by Baba Walters as one of the one hundred greatest women of the past century. Neither she nor any of the women of my generation had to go to war. They got to stay home and burn their bras. So who was privileged?
Male privelege
Yeah, male privilege. You get to work twice as hard for half as much. And let's not forget these fucking psychos have colonized the American schooling system with their "all sex is rape" campaign, teaching boys as young as elementary school age that they are rapists, that their bodies are wrong and their sexuality is evil, and using their gender ideology to try to socially engineer them into feminized manginas.
Let's also not forget that girls of the 60's generation stayed home, burned their bras, took acid and cocaine, experimented with lesbianism and fucked the cowardly draft dodgers - then became tenured academics and man hating professors.
Fight on brothers.
I don't think draft dodgers
I don't think draft dodgers are cowardly. They are fighting for their right to be more than a disposable appliance.
Cwondermagic1 -- Thank you
Cwondermagic1 -- Thank you for your first two sentences to your response. When I first read them I started laughing but really, they say what needs to be said. I am so tired of the ignorant and bigoted toadies for the gynocentric feminist megalith that hangs heavy around our male necks. I used to want to explain things and be rational and nice. Sometimes I think I like your approach better. "No. Fuck you." :>)
Dyke on Dyke sexual violence
these girls have no doubt missed the data regarding dyke on dyke sexual violence.
As it turns out, this is the most violent group regarding domestic violence.
Hey Man
That's right, sometimes you just have to tell someone to go fuck themselves. Now this is certainly not the property of a gentlemen, but sometimes the psychological power of the structure we are up against does not permit reasoned argument.
Anyone who is anything but totally blind knows how sexually violent women are. Picture some woman jamming a dildo into another one, saying "You like feeling like a loser???" Because that happens. And they like it. Girls like to get fucked and fucked hard, and she'll call you a pussy to her friends if it isn't. That's reality.
Also, I let myself slip a little to far into resentment there. I forgot that we serve man best when we live upright, noble, and just lives. Don't let them get the better of you out there.
Read This One
Hey guys: I am sure you are all aware of the Colorado theater shooting. I am surprised I have not read any story on this webpage yet, about the "pistolization of masculinty" I have been reading about in the papers. Here is something to get your man juices flowing: During this attack, four different men put themselves in harms way to defend their girlfriends, shielding them with their bodies and taking bullets for them. Women in the military have argued that one of the greatest barriers to equality women face is male protectiveness. So which is it - are these heroes who died in an act of self-sacrificing valor, or are they knuckle draggers who are slowing down the march towards equality.
Blowing up the thread
Hey: Why do I get the sense you are some kind of web censor?
What? Where'd you get that?
What? Where'd you get that?