Women outnumber men on US Olympic team
Submitted by Matt on Wed, 2012-07-11 01:34
Article here. Excerpt:
'During this, the summer of the 40th anniversary of Title IX, American women have reached another milestone in sports: For the first time, they outnumber men on the U.S. Olympic team.
The U.S. Olympic Committee released its roster for the London Olympics on Tuesday. There were 269 women and 261 men.
CEO Scott Blackmun called it a "true testament to the impact of Title IX," the 1972 law that increased opportunities for women in sports across America.'
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More opportunities for women, fewer for men.
Of course, men's sports pays for opportunities for women--but that's "equal opportunity" under Title IX.
Not a Zero Sum Game
One of the falsehoods spoken be feminists in the 1970s was that there was in essence limitless opportunities for people. They just needed to be enabled to pursue them and they would be able to achieve their goals. What got in the way was prejudice, sexism, classism, racism, etc. If these ills in society could be eliminated and people were allowed to pursue their goals unhindered by these things, matters would quickly work themselves out and we'd see social justice come into being.
By the mid 1980s though, people got restless. They were not seeing the Age of Aquarius' promise coming to fruition. Instead, they were seeing the US/western economies contract and there was not enough "progress" happening, despite the fact that it had not been that long since the Age of Aquarius had dawned. So the whole concept that there was enough goodies for all was thrown out the window and the relentless pursuit of grabbing at whatever was there took over. Hiring quotas, lawsuits, Title IX, etc. all kicked in. Legalistic intimidation, threats, coercion of all kinds were then used for people (who may or may not outqualify others or just plain qualify at all for all manner of positions and opportunities) to get into positions of opportunity. Male? "Reverse discrimination"? Too bad. YOU ARE THE PROBLEM! Your rights? Ha! We really don't care.
At this time it was obvious that the game of Who's Got the Goodies was not a zero-sum game. But the feminists and other so-called progressives of the 1970s who abandoned this idea forgot to tell everyone else. They realized the truth of things: That there are indeed a limited number of goodies available to go around. Some gets, some don'ts. Those who gets gots, those who don't, don't. From "Animal Farm": All animals are equal, yes, but some are more equal than others. So if you are not happy with what you got, you can earn it, make it, or take it from someone else. Many chose to take it.
Feminism is not about rights or social justice. It's about getting the goodies by whatever means necessary. I guarantee you that this Olympics, the fact that there are more female athletes than male ones on the US team will not only be mentioned by the commentators, it will be positively heralded, repeated, and promulgated as a sign of Great Progress. If in 50 years, the men's US team is made up of 30 athletes while the women's is made up of 300, someone will say there needs to be more female athletes, as the men are still "dominating" the more-watched or more-"traditional" sports.
And, Title IX will go from athletic field to classroom, too. Wait and see. Despite the US's shortage of scientists, male students will be turned away from STEM field classes because there are too few female students. Female students will not only have their tuitions covered if they go into STEM fields but will be paid stipends for doing so. There is no limit to nymphotropism, and no limit at all to the ruthlessness of feminism. They simply will not be happy until every man (what are left of us) in the world is wearing rags while every woman is bedecked in silk and diamonds.
Think I am off the deep end here? Off on a rant? OK, yeah, somewhat. I am in a mood. :) But I stick by what I have said here. Wait patiently as the years pass to watch my predictions come true...
The feminist MO
The feminist approach is always the same: pass a law to force the result they want, regardless of the consequences. That way women can get what they want without having to work for it. Thus they get the "goodies" unfairly while claiming that without laws in their favor they could not get the result.