Jimmy Rollins Joins Other Notables In PSA Against Domestic Violence

Article here. Excerpt:

'PHILADELPHIA (CBS) — A Phillies star is among the athletes speaking out against dating violence and domestic abuse in a new public service announcement put out by the White House.

When sports heroes like Jimmy Rollins speak out…

(Rollins: ) “No woman should have to fear abuse. No man should hit a woman for any reason.”

...Vice President Joe Biden wants men and boys to listen up:

(Biden:) “If you strike a woman, you’re not a man, you’re a coward.”
(Pres. Obama and montage: ) “Listen up guys, listen up: no one should ever hit a woman. Not their wife, not their girlfriend, not their date.”'

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All you have to do is Google "dating violence against men" and you get: http://voices.yahoo.com/dating-violence-against-men-602596.html, among others. It's right there. It's just some people don't care to be bothered looking for it.

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What if she's coming at you with a knife or a gun? Can a man fight back? Morally, yes. Legally, it's a little dicey.

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"No man should ever hit a woman for any reason."

This is pretty insane logic. So, if a woman is trying to kill you or hurt you, you have no right to defend yourself? It's thanks to people who think this way that men in abusive relationships will get sent to prison if they defend themselves, or ridiculed if they come forward, some times treated as though they're lying or they're not "real men, but cowards." How nice of this ad to leave the male victims out, and propagate an absurd form of logic that keeps them trapped. Remember not to vote for Obama this fall, everyone. He just panders to women and minorities and the only concern he has for men is how many he can sacrifice to gain more power and make his wallet fatter.

No man or woman should have to suffer from domestic violence, and this constant deliberate omission of the other half of the story is getting very old. People aren't as dumb as you think!

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Boys get scolded by Obama and Biden and girls get math & science initiatives. I've had enough with this 'so-called' war on women, the real war is against boys.

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