India: Men no more show manners around women
Article here. Excerpt:
'Men and chivalry come together but guess with women talking a lot of economic independence, it's making them forget their basic etiquettes.
This is not some male bashing exercise nor is it a feminist piece but the days of men showing basic manners with women are all over! A male colleague shares an ice-cream with a female colleague and since the ice-cream is Rs.65, it is assumed that the money will be shared between the two. For Rs.35, the male colleague reminds his woman colleague twice when she is going to repay the money! Yes, this is a real case scenario between colleagues. Even if the male colleague could not afford to pay and was hoping to share the bill, he need not remind the woman colleague twice! A man asks a woman out for a date and he shares the Rs.10 two cookies bill with her! Friends go to watch a movie and the woman does not know she will be paying money for popcorn and tickets just because the man reveals he does not have a job and does not want to spend on any money for the time being!
Veer Singh, an investment banker says, "Women are getting independent. They proclaim so much about their fianancial independence so then they should not worry about splitting the bill or paying for us once in a while. Men have been showing chivalry for many years now, if women are so independent then why do they shy away and talk about chivalry in such situations?" Rati Sheth, a fashion designer feels men today are so careless about little things that would make us feel good. "I am happy that I am single. She says, "A male friend invited me to his place on the outskirts of the city for dinner and when I asked him to help me with directions to go home after the party got over, he simply refused. He said, I am an independent woman and can easily locate my place by asking for directions on the way, forget chivalry, basic helping nature has also vanished amongst people today."'
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Why is it only a lack of courtesy...
... if a man evinces behavior indicating he simply does not want to be used as an ATM?
As for the guy who didn't give directions, well, that's over the top, IMJ. If he would have given them to a male friend, (we assume he would have), then why not to a female friend? I think the way to deal with these cases is a "gender norm" the situation. Ask yourself, if your female friend were male, would you be inclined to do X for him, or not? I guess that's one way to handle it. There are undoubtedly others.