1% Wives Are Helping Kill Feminism and Make the War on Women Possible
Article here. Excerpt:
'NEW YORK -- When my mind gets stuck on everything that is wrong with feminism, it brings out the 19th century poet in me: Let me count the ways. Most of all, feminism is pretty much a nice girl who really, really wants so badly to be liked by everybody -- ladies who lunch, men who hate women, all the morons who demand choice and don't understand responsibility -- that it has become the easy lay of social movements. I am going to smack the next idiot who tells me that raising her children full time -- by which she really means going to Jivamukti classes and pedicure appointments while the nanny babysits -- is her feminist choice. Who can possibly take feminism seriously when it allows everything, as long as women choose it? The whole point to begin with was that women were losing their minds pushing mops and strollers all day without a room or a salary of their own.
Let's please be serious grown-ups: real feminists don't depend on men. Real feminists earn a living, have money and means of their own.
If the movement had been serious about being serious then the idea could not have caught on that equal is how you feel. Or that how anyone feels about anything matters at all. Men know better. They look at numbers, and here is how the statistics are running years after women first started screaming and yelling and burning bras: We still earn 81 percent of what men do, and an act to make things more fair was blocked in Congress by Republicans. For anyone who doesn't care to count, but understands traffic signals mixed with policy speculation, I think it's safe to say that the day is near when a teenage girl will be forced to get a vaginal probe before she is issued a learner's permit in the state of Virginia. And this is all because feminism has misread its mission of equality as something open to interpretation, as expressive and impressive, not absolute.'
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What an article
Hard to know what to say. Some of it makes sense, some of it does not, some of it based on truths, other parts of it based on fabrications or half-truths... it's quite a jumble, really. But overall the author is saying something which, in its final conclusion, is a good thing: women should be earning their own keep. As for her choices around marriage, not a bad idea for most people (*most*) to avoid marriage these days. Some people can make it work and it works out for them; most do not. It's an endeavor only to be undertaken with eyes wide open.
But I take exception to her assertion that being a mom isn't a "job". It is, especially at the start of mom-hood, with feedings every two hours, day and night. But what is all too easy to overlook is that being a dad's a job, too. I suppose her failing to mention both parental roles in this particular article can be forgiven since she is focusing on motherhood and work (generally), but it's important to point out that being a parent of either sex is a job-- and a hard one, for most people -- on top of whatever it is they do outside the home. That shouldn't be discounted.