NOW’s Stand on Shared Parenting

Article here. Excerpt:

'It seems inconsistent that the group that says its purpose is “sharing equal rights, responsibilities and opportunities with men,” opposes shared parenting. On its website, NOW states:

NOW is the largest, most comprehensive feminist advocacy group in the United States. Our purpose is to take action to bring women into full participation in society — sharing equal rights, responsibilities and opportunities with men, while living free from discrimination.

Gloria Woods, President of Michigan NOW, wrote this about shared parenting:

"Shared Parental Responsibility." In our work as women's advocates, how often have we heard custodial moms wish that their children's father would share the parental responsibility? Unfortunately, "shared parental responsibility" is the new doublespeak for joint physical custody by so-called "father's rights" groups.'

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NOW's stance has always been that equality means special treatment for women. There's always a reason why women should get special treatment but never a reason men should get special treatment. Here it's because of alleged concerns over violence by men--discounting, of course, violence by women and child abuse committed by women. For NOW, life is a zero-sum game in which either men or women win. That makes equality impossible to achieve.

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