"New York Silences Southern Belle"

bull referred to this article in a comment he posted here. It seemed like it deserved its own entry, so it got it! Excerpt:

'One particularly disturbing day, my professor said, "All of you who are victims of rape or attempted rape raise your hands." As more than half the class raised their hands, I began to think weird thoughts. I wondered if my college required a solid SAT score and emergency room records for admission.

It took me weeks to realize their definition of rape was not exactly Webster's. We began to study Andrea Dworkin who said, "Romance is rape embellished with meaningful looks." And Catherine MacKinnon who said, "Politically, I call it rape whenever a woman has sex and feels violated." And Marilyn French, who famously said, "All men are rapists and that's all they are." You can imagine my disillusionment to learn Mister Rogers of " Mister Rogers' Neighborhood," and Mahatma Gandhi were predators.'

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Women's Studies programs at Major western Universities have been known to be hate factories for decades yet are completely tolerated by men.

We should be the one's calling a spade a spade and denouncing the hate filled vitrol that our daughters are being taught.

A male professor who has an affair with a female student has his career stripped from him and loses his credibility. Female professors who seduce female students are faculty in good standing in the Women's Studies department.

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The two best books documenting the pervasiveness of the feminist hate movement are these, written by credible co-researchers -- Paul Nathanson and Katherine K. Young.





If you have fifteen minutes to read the editorial reviews and reader comments on amazon.com, you'll come away with the equivalent of a bachelor's degree overview on MISANDRY -- the flip side of misogyny.

Feminism is starting to be deconstructed in academic, popular mass media, and political circles.

Since it required forty years for feminism to take our culture hostage, I anticipate it will require another forty to exterminate the feminist virus.

These two excellent books provide an unsurpassed analysis of where men are today in the crosshairs of a real GENDER WAR.

I'll be sending my marked up copies to Senator Joe-"I-Love-VAWA"-Biden, along with a check for $000.00 for his thankfully DOA presidential bid.

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You go Girl!!!

Men who are not willing to at least fake being 'honorary women' have been silenced or driven off campus, so it's up to you gals with a few brain cells left to carry the water for us.

One thing no one seems to have noticed is the logical impossibility of "patriarchal theory".

To wit: if there ever was an evil and all-powerful jack-booted 'patriarchy', by definition there would be no Feminist Studies departments, no vote for women, and right on down the line.

Oh well, who ever said feminism, like any ideology, had to make any sense?

BTW - when you flip the argument around you get 'matriarchal theory', which seems to be more in accord with the facts.

* MB

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Are you calling me a woman?

I am no woman I am just disgusted that it is us men who tolerate and condone this crap. Men are the first to line up to throw a male teacher out the front door of the University to the waiting plebs (stirred into a righteous fury by local media) with their pitch forks and torches on a rumor of inpropriaty yet we allow ourselves to be thrown out the office door and classrooms of the girls only man hating lesbian indoctrination department.

I was saying us MEN need to say enough is fucking enough of this hatred and vitrol from women. Women aren't going to do a God damned thing about it because it benefits them. As any MRA should know women will happily tolerate the most disgusting situations as long as they think it is the best for them until the next situation comes along that in their view offers better. Women happily seek out and stay with abusive men as long as the cash flow is good and then call the cops when they have found some one with a little more money even if they are even more abusive then the last. Women don't mind ill gotten rewards in the slightest bit. They want what they want and don't care how they get it.

So it is us MRAs who need to stand up and say we demand an end to this hate fundamentally flawed ideology and put everyone on the path to true equal opportunity and true equal accountability.

Us men need to say this is the wrong way to get equality and end feminism once and for all as only men can.

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