NOW: Mothers, Children at Risk as Fathers' Rights Groups Seek Legitimacy for Phony Mental "Disorder"

Article here. Excerpt:

'NOW Foundation opposes the inclusion of the so-called PAS/PAD in the DSM-5 under any name or category. The American Psychiatric Association is soliciting final comments on the revisions to the DSM-5 by June 15. We encourage you to send messages to the APA via their interactive website. Tell the APA that you oppose the inclusion of the so-called parental alienation syndrome in DSM-5 in ANY FORM. Please make sure to emphasize the fact that the American Bar Association has determined PAS to be inadmissible in court because it does not meet evidentiary standards. Accusations of PAS protect real abusers at the expense of women and children who have already been victimized.'

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They argue from a position of "women don't lie" and "any accusation that a man is violent or feared is true".

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On the one hand they're calling it a "phony" condition and on the other hand they claiming that it's is a temporary condition. Which is it, then? Phony or temporary? And then they literally admit to the fact that "emotional" women turn their children against their dads - before claiming that this is of no consequence in a family court. In effect they're admitting to the fact that mothers lie and make stuff up during custody battles, right after they claimed that it's really dads who lie about not being evil monsters. So what is it, then? And why should permanent child custody arrangements be made on "temporary" conditions caused by a custodial parent's ill will? NOW is really grasping at straws here....

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