Bloomberg: Britain's Angry Wives Target Bonuses in Divorce Cases

Story here. Excerpt:

"The climate is so favorable to ex-wives that divorce lawyer Jeremy Levison advises bankers and hedge fund executives to avoid the altar altogether. Pre-nuptial agreements offer little protection because U.K. judges aren't bound to follow them.

``Don't get married,'' said Levison, a partner at London- based family law firm Levison Meltzer Pigott. ``If you must, make sure your other half is as rich as you are.''"

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The direction that divorce laws are heading in England can’t be good news for Sir Paul McCartney. I’m sure that wench, Heifer, oops, I mean Heather is watching and waiting. By some estimates, she could receive as much as $1,000.00 for each hour she spent with him over their estranged four-year marriage. It's beyond me why he tied the knot to begin with? He had it all, now, she is positioned to take a large chunk!

Divorce Pending

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``Don't get married,'' said Levison, a partner at London- based family law firm Levison Meltzer Pigott.

Excellent advice! DON'T GET MARRIED!

It is now just another crooked racket to make some rather unsavory characters rich at YOUR EXPENSE.

Just don't do it!

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Funny, a few days ago Oprah did yet another program on women trying to "have it all" - juggling work and home. She failed to mention the easy avenue to riches being reported here, perhaps because it's so taken for granted by women.

Maybe the show on "How to Marry a Rich Bastard - and Then Clean Him Out Thru Divorce" will be next week. Oh, that's right, Paul McCartney's about the farthest thing from a bastard imaginable.

You would think women would wise up, see how these sorts of cases damage the social fabric from which they benefit, and put an end to the whole sordid business - because it would also be in their interest to do so. The number of dolts, saps, and chumps can't be infinite, and one supposes that for every story like this a hundred guys are discouraged from marriage. What are women going to do when the golden goose stops laying eggs, earn their own money?

* MB

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Women don't think long term (even though they claim to by demanding long term commitments). They are ruled by their desires, not what's in their best interests. They don't have a concept of accountability so they don't think of consequences. In their world consequences don't exist. They really do think there will always be some man to clean up their mess. And they really do think they are entitled to whatever it is they want in spite of not doing a single thing to earn it.

The sad thing id you have it wrong. For every one man that wakes up to the scam that is marriage there are 1000 that have no clue what they are getting into so there really is no shortage of victims for heartless disgusting women who prey upon men.

He won't wake up until way past the point of no return when she has already called the cops and set the wheels in motion for his complete obliteration. The prey never knows they are dead until the moment after the last second they would have made a beak for it.

And since men couldn't possibly care less (no, it's not an exaggeration) about predatory women, it's our own damn fault we allow this shit to happen.

Men are all to quick to tow the line with women and destroy any man who is alleged to have victimized in some way some women or child but men allow female predators to go completely unlettered and unpunished even after racking up dozens of victims.

1. Shout at your spouse, lose your house.
2. Don't shout at your spouse, prey she doesn't take the house anyway

1. Shout at your spouse until he either loses it and shouts back , call the cops (if he didn't shout back lie, they'll believe you) and get the house and all his assets immediately without trial.
2. Or, if you don't necessarily want him to go to jail but don't mind if your lawyer accuses him of abuse anyway, and you still want the house and all his money, and don't mind waiting a little longer for it, just say your bored and call a layer.
2. Find new spouse and repeat step one or two or both.

Only men can stop it. Only we can say enough is enough and change it.

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