Man claims "Feminism Brings Benefits to All -- Men Included"

Here's the link: Feminism Brings Benefits to All -- Men Included. (Originally published here.)

As unbelievable as this claim is, be sure to think before letting this honorary woman have a taste of the many 'benefits' - preferably there at AlterNet where lots of feminists can see `em. :>

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Yes, food for thought indeed... really, what he is doing is misattributing the cause of the effect. It was not a shift in how women viewed themselves and men via feminism but instead a reaction to feminism that the author of this story lived out. It was simply this: "OK, you stopped doing what you were doing, now I'll stop doing what I was doing." The author doesn't seem to recognize that he was the one who made the changes in his life he describes, not as a consequence of feminism but as a response to it. But he misattributes his changes in his own self-image to feminism. He was perhaps one of the earliest men to realize what was happening and not get stuck. Well, good for him. But he is wrong in his characterization that he got these new opportunities via feminism.

He was fortunate though to find a wife (er, um, sorry--- "spouse") who didn't think he was a panzy for not wanting to be the stereotypical work-horse man. Had he lived a more typical scenario with his mate, he would have found that despite the feminist assertion that it's OK for women to make more and be the primary breadwinner and the man to stay home with the kids, etc., that in fact the average woman would prefer to have that role and watch her beloved husband go slave away all day while she earns points for divorce court by "sacrificing her career all for him".

This man's experience is simply atypical and it is supported by a wife who isn't looking to victimize him. Obviously they have a strong marriage. His experience is the exception, far from the rule. Perhaps he just doesn't realize that.

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The writer is an ill-informed idiot, who lacks insight and who looks at life through rose-colored glasses.

Correct me if I'm wrong mcc99:)


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I've been on there since the article first appeared and have been challenging people/feminists to come up with one (just one) instance of feminism benefiting men or children.

All they can come up with is "if it's good for women, it must somehow be good for men and children also".

In other words, not one example, though at least a couple of guys have claimed it's helped their "relationships".

* MB

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