Outrage Grows After Safeway Suspends Monterey Worker Who Stopped Attack

Story here. Safeway employee intervenes in domestic violence case and gets fired. Everything that men are supposed to do is getting to be illegal, immoral, or ill-advised. Excerpt:

'DEL REY OAKS, Monterey County (CBS 5) — Safeway’s suspension of a Monterey County employee after stopping a domestic assault has become a public relations headache for the grocery chain.

Police said Ryan Young, a meat clerk at the Del Rey Oaks location, intervened when he saw Quyen Van Tran beating his pregnant girlfriend in the store last month.

“If it was their wife who was pregnant or their daughter who was pregnant who was being attacked, would they want someone to step in and help them?” Young said.'

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MRAs never have said that DV against women doesn't occur. The typical MRA simply knows that it also occurs against men, and this should be just as important an imperative for its stoppage as DV against women. What is utterly remarkable is Safeway's response. Perhaps 'remarkable' is too neutral a word. It's disgusting, really. I wonder if this employee had seen a woman slapping around her husband and he had intervened, would he probably be arrested for it, not just suspended by his employer? Dunno, that's speculation.

DV is wrong, done against anyone. Really, Safeway, you are being just plain stupid here.

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