What’s the difference between the men’s rights movement and feminism?

Article here. Grist for the thought mill. Excerpt:

'A commonly asked question by those on the fence about both men’s rights and feminism is what the difference is between the two movements. Feminism has been around for over five decades and the public is understandably more familiar as a movement.
When I brought up the fact that MRAs have caused no legal discrimination against women and only wish to abolish the unjust laws set in place by feminism the counterpoint from both the feminist and the neutral observer were “but men in the past set laws in place that discriminated against/oppressed women.”

The feminist, again as one would expect, could not grasp the concept that “MRA” is not synonymous with “man,” however, the neutral observer eventually conceded that MRAs are indeed men and women who oppose the legal bigotry put in place by the feminist movement.'

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Whatever may have happened in the past is nothing we can change. I personally don't believe women were all that oppressed compared to men. They had different roles that had different benefits and responsibilities. Women may have been stuck at home but they rarely died for some obscure political cause in some foreign land. I remember women burning their bras while men were being drafted to die in Vietnam, all the while claiming women were oppressed but men were not. Perhaps we should have sent all the women who burned their bras to Vietnam so they could be as free as men to come home in pine boxes.

Today, it's the legal bigotry that's a problem. Feminists use the power of the government to get their way as much as possible. The result is true political oppression of men--the force of the government used to enforce the will of a woman. If a woman wants a divorce, the government uses its force to get rid of dad and then forces him to pay for her decision. The man can do nothing about it. He then becomes the official enemy of the state while mom is the official friend of the state--the state helps her to collect money from him and jails him if he doesn't pay. The funny thing is, women still claim they're oppressed while all this is happening.

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