"Obama Campaign: Women Are Helpless"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Today, the Obama campaigned launched its Dads Are Unnecessary, Single Women Are Helpless campaign, simply titled "Julia." It features a faceless composite, which seems to be the type of woman with which the campaign is most comfortable.

Julia decides to have a child. She doesn't need a father or husband because she has the Obama government! Fathers are unimportant in both the choice of procreation and the raising of children. Under Obamacare, Julia will have less access due to rationing and higher costs.
Obama is still president and now Julia's son Zachary is starting school? Where is Zachary's dad?

The government is his daddy.'

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The "nanny state" is a bastard parent.

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oh, wait, i remember now. it was in my ancient history books about what the soviets and chicoms did when they came into power. destruction of the family and insertion of the government is typical of these commie/socialist/marxists, or whatever is the p.c. term for them this week.

obummer inserts czars into every aspect of the government for control. he says his intention is to change our society. he forces obamacare on us w/o anybody even reading it, he ignores congress, threatens the courts, sells guns to mexican drug cartels that wind up killing hundreds, he fights against making jobs for Americans, he gives $$ away to foreigners like the muslim bro'hood, and on and on. the list of ways he tries to harm us is incredible, and yet almost half the country worships him like a deity. i no longer wonder how people like napoleon, hitler and the moose came to power. just promise them the world, then don't deliver squat.

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