Students debate gender-exclusive spaces

Article here. Excerpt:

'The pending creation of the men-only space is the source of much discussion at Simon Fraser University. Since the news broke in April, many students have questioned whether the men deserve funding. Along with that, a debate has emerged over whether women—who make up 55 per cent of undergraduate students at SFU—still need their own women-only space.
The website lists support for the idea of a “male allies project” that would “bring self-identified men together to talk about masculinity and its harmful effects.” Masculinity, it says, “denigrates women by making them into sexual objects, is homophobic, encourages violence, and discourages emotional expression.”

Those are the very stereotypes Midgley says the men’s centre’s users might discuss.'

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"...many students have questioned whether the men deserve funding..."

I can see already how this ends. No male-only space gets created and the funding that would have gone to it will go to the women's center. They won't get rid of that.

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Men don't need a space, because they make up only 45% of the students.

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This type of stuff is why I have always had a problem with feminism. It doesn't seek true equality, but to vilify men in every scenario, regardless the situation. According to them, if a man gets beat by his wife, it's because he did something to deserve it, but if he ever were to beat her, he'd be a monster! The fact of the matter is, men face domestic violence, are about twice as likely to be victims of violence overall, four times more likely to commit suicide, are the only gender than can be forcibly circumcised in this country as children, are far more likely to be wrongfully convicted or unjustly removed from their children's lives, have no reproductive rights, and make up the minority of university students, yet have access to only about 20% of the scholarships that women do. These all seem like valid reasons to create a men's center to me. You would think that the existence of a women's center would justify the creation of a men's center for anyone who was really interested in equality, but it's clear that this women's interests group is not. Then again with their view of masculinity as expressed in the article, who's surprised?

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Feminism is women; women are feminists, even if they don't realise it. I know this comment may get me into trouble with some here, but I am really coming to detest women - all women, even those who identify as anti-feminists.

Women women women. Feminism is about women, even anti-feminism is about women. "Feminism is damaging to women" seems to be the only anti-feminist argument women will buy into. And I'm sick of it.

Women are overtaking men in the workplace in America, so you Americans have a White House Council on Women and Girls. Female voters outnumber their male counterparts, so both here in the UK and on your side of the Atlantic we have pressure groups or interest groups speaking on behalf of women voters. Yes, women are the only people who matter in today's America, and here in the UK too it seems. Well, they don't matter to me. I am a misogynist, by virtue of not spending my whole life concerned with the happines, welfare and rights of women. Well if I must be a misogynist I hope to be a damned good one.

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So you don't hold the likes of Biden, Obama or Manboobz accountable? If feminism is women and women are feminists (even the likes of GirlWritesWhat?) then you absolve these men from their misandry and place it on the likes of women doing good work, like GWW and Republican House member Sandy Adams. You're attitude is no better than Andrea Dworkin and their ilk, who say men hold positions of power, those men control things, therefore all men are controlling. You're problem should be with the excessive focus on women at the expense of men, not women themselves (which is ultimately just another focus on women).

Read the comments of the attached article. While there are still some feminists (of both genders) opposing this male space, there are many people (again of both genders) who encourage this kind of thing.

And ultimately, your becoming a true misogynist (with statements like " I am really coming to detest women - all women, even those who identify as anti-feminists", this accusation is appropriate, not a shaming tactic.), and that won't help anybody.

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