Reid On Secret Service Scandal: "Hire More Women"
Article here. Excerpt:
'(RTTNews) - Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) had a three-word response when asked by Senate reporters on Thursday what the Secret Service could do to avoid more prostitution scandals: "Hire more women."
Reid aligned himself with critics who say the agency needs to diversify its workforce to prevent future recurrences of the recent scandal in Colombia. Several agents were discovered to have consorted with prostitutes, including at a hotel in Cartagena just days before President Obama arrived, and about a dozen agents have been dismissed from the agency in recent days as the inquiry has progressed.
Female congresswomen such as Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) and Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-N.Y.) have openly questioned why only 11 percent of Secret Service employees are women.
"I can't help, but wonder if there'd been more women as part of that detail if this ever would have happened," Collins said during an appearance on ABC News' "This Week" on Sunday.'
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No effect
Before women became police officers routinely, it was said that police corruption would decline if not go away due to the influence of female officers in the force. Has this happened? No. This isn't to say it's bad to have female police officers. It's about as good as having male ones. And that's the point. Corruption, such as it is, among police is no greater or lesser of a problem for the police or the people at large than it has ever been. And are there plenty of more women on police forces in the US and other countries these days? Yes.
Point is, half that detail could have been made up of women, if some number of male (or female for that matter) agents had wanted to get with prostitutes that night (or any other night), they still would have.
USSS must be gay
I understand that these men were not conducting themselves in the line of duty, however, let's not forget that they were coordinating transactions to have sex with WOMEN. These women were just as equal in participating in the transaction for sex. In fact, this incident came about due to a women demanding her going rate for her service. So unless Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) and Rep. Carolyn Maloney think of these women as only sex objects, they must concede that these women were just as responsible for the sex that went on that night. They were selling sex weren't they.....otherwise it's rape.
An insult
First, this comment by Reid and others is an insult to the thousands of men who have served in the Secret Service honorably.
It's difficult to get women to serve for 2 reasons: the job requires a great deal of time away from home and it requires the officer to be willing to risk his life to save the President's. It's easier to get men to do both these things. The SS has been open to women for a number of years but they comprise only about 10 per cent of agents. This is not the result of the vast patriarchal conspiracy. It's just difficult to find women who want to do this job.
more pandering
I recently have heard that sometime ago secret service women had their own scandal involving male strippers...I can't comment much on this because I don't know all the details...However I do believe the real motive of all the talk about more women being hired in the secret service is just more political pandering to women,for their vote. I truly believe that the democrats are playing the "gender card" to "use" women,by rotting their heads into thinking that they are on their side for their vote,and for the usual political correctness.And the feminist,as well are using this story for their own agenda ..when will it end ??
"what the Secret Service
"what the Secret Service could do to avoid more prostitution scandals: "Hire more women.""
Sounds to me he's suggesting that women on the team would replace the need for prostitutes... not exactly the most ringing endorsement for women.
As I heard someone else say, if Obama is so concerned about women in the secret service, he is more than authorized to make use of a team entirely made up of women. Set an example.
What was so wrong?
I understand the issue from a security perspective (e.g., women in hotel rooms with potential access to the president's agenda), but this event is a "scandal" solely because of the prostitution angle. If the agents missed curfew because they were out late at a restaurant or bar, they may have been reprimanded, but it would not be a scandal. No one would care. Prostitution is legal in Columbia, or at least certain areas of Columbia. If they did not break the local laws, what is the problem?
What's more immoral: 1) prostitution; 2) homosexuality; 3) abortion? This is a rhetorical question. What ever happened to "a person's body, a person's choice," or does that apply only to women? What about "what two adults do in the privacy of their bedroom (or hotel room) is none of the governments business." If two men can have sex with each other, why can't a man and a woman? Isn't the sexual orientation of the agents being denied and punished? If people who disagree with abortion and homosexuality are "right-wing religious fanatics," what does that make people who disagree with prostitution?
So why exactly is prostitution considered wrong (between consenting adults)? It is considered wrong because women in general use sex as a tool to obtain things they want from men. These things range from material goods (dinner, jewelry) to a commitment of life-long support. The fact that some women sell sex with no additional obligation placed on the man is viewed as a threat to the typical woman's business. That is why prostitution is considered wrong.
The agents are being punished because they are men. They are not allowed they same so-called freedoms that are given to women (abortion) or other groups (homosexuals). The new health care law may force schools and other organizations to provide free birth control to women. Objections to this mandate is considered "the war of women." Apparently, the primary purpose of government is to force religious schools to provide free birth control to women. But men cannot buy sex with their own money (and they are fired when they do)? I don't get it.