On campus, debate over civil rights and rape

Article here. Excerpt:

'But the most vigorous criticism has come from civil libertarians, who argue the Obama administration's guidance undermines the rights of the accused. They've focused on the requirement that colleges use a "preponderance of evidence" standard in such cases — essentially a belief guilt is more likely than not, and a much lower standard than defendants enjoy in criminal court.

Illustrating the dangers, they say, are cases like that of a former North Dakota college student who was found responsible for sexually assaulting a fellow student by a campus disciplinary board. Later, police investigating the incident cleared him and brought false-reporting charges against his accuser. Still, he struggled to clear his name and has yet to return to school.

Title IX, these critics claim, is a blunt legal weapon for addressing sexual assault on campus. They too see a threat to access to education — but for the accused.'

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"Fewer than 5 percent of attempted or completed rapes are reported to law enforcement or campus authorities."

I'm just curious as to how they arrived at this figure. If so many of them go unreported, how is it possible to even keep track how many?

This BS statistic has been brought to you by the availability heuristic.

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