UK: Circumcision promoter caught with child porn videos

Link here. Excerpt:

'THE head of a pro-circumcision group who used to run a children's computer club was caught with a hoard of child porn.

Vernon Quaintance, from Upper Norwood, has avoided a jail term – despite having three video cassettes with nine-hours' worth of clips showing boys as young as 11 engaging in sex acts.

The 68-year-old is the head of the Gilgal Society, a group dedicated to promoting male circumcision.

The Old Bailey heard how police raided Quaintance's home in Henley Gardens, Upper Norwood, on April 11 last year after receiving a tip-off.

The movies seized included graphic footage of child abuse ranked at the second-highest level of severity.'

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It is relevant to circumcision groups (pro- and anti-) in a manner of speaking. But I wonder how relevant it is to men's rights issues *as such*? It certainly makes a pro-circ person look bad and indeed, he looks very bad-- how he avoided a jail term I have no idea but suspect if the images he had been found with were of girls he would have been put away for sure. Come to think of it, this is an MR-related issue for that reason alone. The fact that he is a pro-circ person is IMO an ancillary consideration. The real story here is that he was caught with child pron and NOT given jail time-- and would he have been of the pics he had were of girls and not boys?

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I have to disagree with the choice to publish this article. Just because someone who's taken an opposing view is found to have committed some crime, even a horrific one, doesn't mean we should somehow suggest there's an association between the two.

This is the same tactic used to label MRA's as batterers for example.

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Intactivists frequently accuse the Gilgal Society of being a bunch of people motivated by their having a circum-fetish. Intactivists point to things on the Gigal Society website that hint of this. They even say that the website of Professor Brian Morris (big pro-circ prof in Australia) links to circum-fetish websites. Many intactivists see this story as confirming of those suspicions. So I do think it's relevant. It's almost like the story about one chapter of NOW accused NOW of misusing funds, or when a local president of NOW was caught making a false accusation. I do see a relevance to the MR movement.

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