Joe Biden: ‘War on women is real’
Submitted by anthony on Mon, 2012-04-16 20:13
Article here. Excerpt:
'Vice President Joe Biden said Thursday he believes the right’s “war on women is real” and could be particularly salient during the multiple Supreme Court appointments he expects to come during the next president’s term.
“I think the war on women is real,” Biden said in an interview he sat for with MSNBC’s Ed Schultz as part of a campaign trip to New Hampshire to talk up the Buffett rule. “And, look, I tell you where it’s going to intensify: the next president of the United States is going to get to name one and possibly two or more members of the Supreme Court.”'
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Projection from the Femocratic Party
The Democratic party has been waging a 20+ year war on men and they have the gall to say that anyone is waging a war on women?
They're going to be beating this message into the ground until November. This is the basest appeal of politics -- fear.
VP Biden has always pandered to women,and it's all political.His sickening slobbering pandering,is for the vote and to make himself look like "a good guy" to women.The democrats,are isolating various groups like women,minorities,and social class's etc, etc. and are systematically,rotting the heads of each of these group with their BS,This is an obvious ploy,aided by the bias liberal old mainstream media,to spread their spew. and the media needs no prodding when reporting anything about women.There is no "war on women" and if the truth be known there's a war on men,and this is evident everywhere,and yet not a word is spoken about this. And I would suppose republicans use their own kind of propaganda as well.
What A Jerk!
This Biden A-hole is a real piece of work! I didn't know a mangina could be so self loathing. How low this country has sunk when a really sick puppy like Biden is the Vice President.
War on Men
Yes, the "War on Women" explains why 1) the average man dies 7 years earlier than the average woman, 2) men receive less health care, 3) men are more likely to drop out of school, 4) men are more likely to be illiterate, 5) men are less likely to go to or graduate from college, 6) men are 10 times more likely to die in the workplace, 7) men are the victims of most violent crime, 8) men make up the majority of the prison population, 9) men convicted of homicide are 10 times more likely to receive the death sentence than women convicted of homicide, 10) men do not have reproductive freedom, 11) boys raped by women are forced to pay child support to the rapists, 12) men have limited rights as fathers, 13) the genital mutilation of boys is an accepted practice, and so on. There aren't enough numbers to list all the problems boys and men have.
On the flip side of Biden's comments, I was stunned when I read a comment Ann Romney recently made to a large group ...
“Let me give a shout-out to all moms that are working,” she said. “And by the way, to all dads that are working. We love all of you.”
Unbelievable (in a good way). Men were actually included in the conversation.
My comment
Is it just me, or does all this focus on women, from a man who was pivotal in creating the extremely sexist original draft of VAWA (a policy that has it's tendrils in every other law and policy out there, and can be used without accountability or oversight, to deny men their rights), that discriminated against men so much that it needed to be revised in 2005 to include disclaimers saying "this can not be used to discriminate against men", and who has actually avoided acknowledging male victims of abuse when directly confronted with the topic, and then claims of a war on women, seem a little hypocritical?
It also seems a lot like the left is treating women like children with contentious parents. They are being the "fun parent", trying to bribe and influence the little girls with promises and the absence of limits. Willing to give the girls anything they ask for, without consideration for the damage it will cause on them or their other child, because that male child doesn't seem to matter. Biden seems to be the father who is willing to bankrupt himself to make his little princess happy, and doesn't care that him living on the street, destitute, will do him, his princess or his son little good, so long as princess loves him more. It's pathetic, and it's condescending towards women. But worst off, it seems to be working.
One would think that women would "see through this BS"and that they're just being "used" for their vote.Biden and his ilk know if they can get the backs up of tens of millions of women,against the republicans they'll win their vote,and it's so obvious what and why they're doing.