Nancy Pelosi, Willie Mays Share Commitment To End Domestic Violence

Article here. Excerpt:

'A congresswoman, a former Giants player, and a packed room of political and social activists pledged Thursday afternoon at a San Francisco nonprofit office to end violence against women by starting with educating men and boys.

The national daylong summit, "The Y Factor: Men Leading by Example," held at the nonprofit Futures Without Violence headquarters in San Francisco's Presidio in conjunction with the Waitt Institute for Violence Prevention spent the day highlighting men who are leading the anti-domestic violence movement.
In videotaped remarks, Biden said when he first pushed to pass VAWA nearly 20 years ago he was told domestic violence was a "private matter and not OK to talk about."

The vice president said, "The solution lies in the hands of boys and men. Every man needs to know that no means matter what circumstances."'

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A has been possibly senile old ballplayer has the moral leverage to enslave half the population of the US? Serfs unite and throw off the chains of misandry.

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Chris Reber, Amanda Monti, Lorena Bobbit, Katherine Becker Kieu, Kim Tran, Rebecca Arnold Dawson, Mary Winkler, Ms. Qureshi, etc.

Yeah... domestic violence can only be ended by men and boys. I'm getting sick and tired of hearing this BS.

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They want to discourage DV by men but encourage DV by women--or false allegations thereof, which often have a more insidious effect.

It is generally believed that men can "take care of themselves," but DV law often prevents men from doing just that. The woman strikes, the man calls the police, the man goes to jail. If he acts in self-defense, he is the abuser. Or the woman simply calls the police, falsely accuses him of DV, and he goes to jail. Or she divorces him, falsely accuses him of DV, and he loses everything.

The man can leave but he usually must leave his children behind to be abused--and women commit more child abuse than men.

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