Facebook COO: Women should marry women

Article here. Excerpt:

'Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg, a mother of two, believes women should marry women. In exceptional circumstances, they can marry men, she said during a recent Makers interview (excerpt embedded above).

“The most important thing — and I’ve said it a hundred times and I’ll say it a hundred times — if you marry a man, marry the right one,” Sandberg said. “If you can marry a woman, that’s better because the split between two women in the home is pretty even, the data shows.” She didn’t elaborate on her source.

Unlike men, women feel guilty for working full time, according to Sandberg. Furthermore, they are liked less the more they succeed. That’s something that needs to change.'

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This is actually a very old idea. The notion that as cooperative child-rearers (or so goes the theory), women make better mates to one another than men is an idea as old as the hills.

If two women want to get married, great, let them. What would be wrong is if they or one of them had the unilateral right to take a child from his/her father though, too. All too often as we know, even single women get that right, whether it be explicit or not.

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The only thing I disagree with is how she assumed that a woman wouldn't have to be as discerning of the female partners she considers. Just because someone's a woman doesn't mean automatically that she's going to contribute her fair share. I mean, I'm sure there's no shortage of Peg Bundies out there.

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How the hell did this clown become COO of facebook? She is typical of the defective mind of feminists. The idea that everything should be 50/50, or is going to be 50/50 is insane. She fails to take into account that men maybe doing more work out side the home than women, so if women are doing more of the house work it evens itself out. If the man is working longer outside the home and then is expected to do 50% of the work in the home then he is doing more than the woman.

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