Ex-Girlfriend Busted For Brutal Scrotum Attack

Story here. Excerpt:

'APRIL 5--An Indiana man had his scrotum severely torn when his “on-again, off-again” girlfriend entered his home and pummeled him in an attack that resulted in the woman’s arrest on several criminal charges, including two felonies.

Christina Reber, 43, was freed from jail yesterday after posting $10,000 bond in connection with her bust for the alleged attack last Friday at the Muncie house of her ex-beau (who told cops he had ended the couple’s eight-month relationship days before the assault).

The victim, 57, told police that he was working at his computer when Reber, pictured in the adjacent mug shot, “walked into his house uninvited,” according to a Muncie Police Department report that will make every guy wince. The man said Reber screamed at him to “call the fucking police” before launching her assault.

Reber, the victim told cops, first struck him repeatedly in the head before latching onto his scrotum and “squeezing as hard as she could.” The man, interviewed by police at a hospital emergency room, said that he “was in incredible pain when Reber grabbed his scrotum and began digging in her fingers.”'

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laughter, jokes.

how pathetic are males who won't stand up for other guys being mutilated?
can't really call them men as they don't fit my def.

one commenter said it is no wonder feminists were able to destroy
men and boys in education. among other things

they appear to also have mentally neutered most western males.

takes a lot of hatred.

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no domestic violence charges or sexual related charges filed.

so, no future for her on that horrible sexual predator list. typical.

can you imagine a man ripping a woman's private parts off and not being charged

w/ a sex crime? and we

can't have those d.v. numbers skewered by actual truth in d.v.

no v.a.w.a. $$$ in that. guess those feminist brainwashing classes

for cops and d.a's/judges is working. well done guys.

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While I was happy to see a lot of people write comments in support of the victim, I see that we still have a lot of work to do. A lot of people still find a woman attacking a man in such a brutal fashion to be funny. I don't understand how anyone with a conscience could derive anything funny from a completely innocent man being sexually mutilated. If only violence against men was taken anywhere near as seriously as violence against women is! Sad world we live in.

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The perpetrator was charged with "domestic battery" which is a type of domestic violence. The problem is that the charge is only a misdemeanor. She should have been charged with something much more serious like torture, officially aggravated mayhem (as was used in the Catherine Kieu Becker case). Another pussy pass coming from the prosecutor.

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