Brave men “Walk a Mile in Her Shoes”

Story here. Excerpt:

'Men wearing high heel shoes paraded through downtown Cherokee on Thursday, April 5. No, it wasn’t a drag show, and none of them lost a bet. The brave men donned the shoes, as part of a “Walk a Mile in Her Shoes” event which drew over 100 people, to help bring awareness to the problem of violence against women.

“Thank you for manning up and walking with us,” said Painttown Rep. Terri Henry, a long-time advocate against domestic violence. She spoke to the crowd about the importance of awareness and education on the problem as well as the need to reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA).
Tom Hill, of Analenisgi, said it is important for men to take responsibility for the problem. “We are responsible for this problem and we are the ones that have to take care of it.”'

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a woman can kill you as quick as a man, and according to stat's account for a very large percentage of domestic violence, even though police departments often don't charge them with the crime.

so let's see if you are as honorable as you are letting on to be. when are you women going to put on some work boots and hard hats and pubically walk for an end to domestic violence againt men and children?

silence? nobody has ever done such a thing? i thought so. so this is all just about getting your usual government handout, huh? and no $$ for abused men and their children.

i feel like i need a shower just having to deal with these slimy con artists.

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just remembered. article in the news today about missing v.a.w.a. million$$$.

probably been going on for years, since these congresscritters are

afraid to question anything woman. its taboo. just hand over the $$$.

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