Contact DA in falsely-accused dad case

Just published this story. Are you as fed up with this kind of blatantly sexist injustice as I am? Time to make your feelings known. The DA who is declining to prosecute the daughter has a page here with a contact email ( listed here, which also lists a phone number of 360-577-3080. Please call or email her and POLITELY ask her to reconsider her decision. Let her know the eyes of the country (if not also the world-- I also encourage non-US-based activists to take action as well) are on her and these eyes are not happy with what they are seeing.

The daughter was old enough to know what she was doing was wrong. Yet she maintained her silence after the fact for nearly 10 years. Years of that man's life have been stolen from him. Yet his false accuser, his own daughter, will go unpunished? Is this justice? No. And rights are like muscles - if you don't use them, you eventually lose them. We have the right to petition for redress of grievances. If this isn't a grievance, I don't know what is!

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Dear Ms. Baur,

According to this article:

you have no plans to prosecute Cassandra Kennedy for leveling false charges of rape against her father, charges which resulted in his conviction and incarceration for nearly 10 years.

Frankly, I cannot fathom any reason why you would not prosecute her for making false allegations, and indeed for any other crime associated with her actions. Though she was just 11 at the time, she knew what she was doing was wrong and stayed silent about it not just then but up until and after she reached legal adulthood. She is guilty of at least one crime that I can think of, undoubtedly more.

But I have a question to ask of you: If she were a boy and the victim in this case was his mother, and he had accused her falsely of sexually abusing him and stayed silent for nearly 10 years while she languished in prison, would you also not prosecute the boy?

There is clearly a double-standard applied in these cases as it has been seen time and again. This double-standard is based in sexism, pure and simple.

I challenge you to do the right thing in this and indeed in similar cases. Ms. Kennedy must be prosecuted for her actions, not just to punish her for what she did, but also to send a clear signal to others who would try to use the power of the state as a means of personal retribution. Not only has she committed a crime against her father, she has exploited the law enforcement/legal system for her own personal goals and gotten numerous others to become unwitting accomplices to her crimes. Really, can this be allowed to stand?



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