Top 5 things that drive men crazy

This is currently a top-half rotating content story on Yahoo. Nice to see such things, though they be scarce. Excerpt:

'2. Expecting the man to pay for everything. Most men don’t mind picking up the check early on in a courtship, but after a few dates, it’s nice for a woman to offer to contribute financially — especially if exclusivity has been established. Men like to be generous, but they don’t like to be taken for suckers, especially if the woman they’re seeing has a good job. As a corollary to this one, “Men are often put off by women trying to get a sense early on about what he does for a living and how much he earns,” says Dr. Seth Meyers, a Los Angeles-based psychologist and author of Dr. Seth’s Love Prescription. Men are people, too. If they feel they’re being sized up for more shallow, resume-type qualities, they’ll be annoyed.
4. Being controlling. “Correcting him on little details when he’s got the big picture right,” adds Dr. Young, is another thing that drives men bonkers. It’s often true that women are better at multitasking, but that doesn’t mean they have to run every detail of the show. A man will get frustrated if a woman asks him to do something then won’t give him a chance to do it his way. The real show-stopper is when she then claims she “has to do everything around here!” If this situation sounds familiar, how can you improve it?

“If you want to put a stop to people’s annoying behavior, you first have to make them aware of it,” says Marc Muchnick, Ph.D., author of No More Regrets! 30 Ways to Greater Happiness and Meaning in Your Life. “Often, people don’t realize that what they are doing is bugging you, so when you tell them, it may come as a surprise.” So tell your significant other that she has to trust you if she doesn’t want to plan every meal, vacation and weekend you spend together, guys. Then do a good job with the task — in your own way, of course — and she just might back off.'

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...rears its head again. Even in a piece that is supposed to be supportive of men they had to slip that one in didn't they. And it isn't even true; the latest research into the matter proves only a very small percentage of people - between 1 and 2 percent - are capable of truly efficient multitasking. The brains of the vast majority of people simply aren't wired to allow them to multitask well. But then again the whole tone of the piece has a sort of "ah bless, remember he's just a guy" feeling to it, so it's still more sexism, just dressed up in a little more civility. But that's just me being hyper-critical I expect.

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“Often, people don’t realize that what they are doing is bugging you, so when you tell them, it may come as a surprise.”

It's more than just a surprise for many women. It's a "insult."
How many men have even tried to tell their SO in the nicest and tactful of ways what they are doing is bugging them? How did she respond? Yep. It becomes "How dare you make me feel bad by telling me this!" "You got so many faults yourself!" "You don't love me!" etc. etc.

So not worth it.


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Any woman who has to get upset about everything, even a grown-up conversation about one's relationship, simply isn't worth it. The truth is, any woman who exhibits any of most of these traits isn't worth it. Luckilly my gf is only guilty of getting jealous once in a while. It's strange because even though it drives me nuts, I'm flattered by the fact that she worries another woman would want to steal me from her. We actually read this article together, and she said she would work on her jealousy.

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