On YouTube: 'Feminism and the Disposable Male'
Submitted by anthony on Wed, 2012-03-28 01:55
Video here.
Uploaded by girlwriteswhat:
'What has feminism done to shatter the patriarchal "women and children first" mentality, and elevate men to status as full human beings deserving of empathy and human rights? What has it done to reinforce and legally entrench the mentality that everyone, including men themselves, should put men last?'
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I don't say it lightly... this video is a MUST-SEE! The woman in this video is priceless. I encourage people to leave supportive comments.
GWW Rocks!
She's one of my favourite MRAs for sure!
I agree
GWW is fantastic. Her arguments are well delivered and I always find myself nodding away in agreement. There are few more effectively delivered debunkings of feminism than you'll find in her videos.
her partner
is one lucky %&*6.
pretty and smart.
she speaks well too. good combination.
with all that going for her i guess cooking is out of the ...
never mind.
Female Allies
I would love to see her lecture a women's studies class.
If she taught it, it would actually be "gender studies", as both sides of the equation would be examined.