"‘Men’s Rights Movement’ Symbolizes Growing Nationwide Misogyny"
Article here. Excerpt:
'An article in the current issue of the Southern Poverty Law Center’s Intelligence Report exposes the “man-o-sphere” through which this backlash to feminism finds a voice, and the real-life acts of violence that appear to have links to the hate found online. Hundreds of websites, blogs and chatrooms are devoted to rants about feminism and rage filled tirades against domestic violence laws and the family court system. Women, specifically Western women, are blamed for oppressing men through false accusations of abuse and rape, through divorce, and for generally demanding equality in the social and legal realms. Author of the report Arthur Goldwag writes that virtual threats of violence against women online appear to have real world consequences. The case exemplifying the link between belief and action is that of Tom Ball, a leader of the Fatherhood Coalition, who hit his 4-year-old daughter in the mouth and found himself entangled in child custody and child support battles. Last year, he lit himself on fire outside of a New Hampshire courthouse. Ball left a suicide note calling for a male insurrection. He wrote, “[t]he federal government declared a war on men. It is time, boys, to give them a taste of war.”'
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The comments
I believe there are absolutely no supportive comments under the article. All the comments support MRAs and the problems they address. None (or almost none) support the article's thesis. That's good news: men are waking up to what's happening to them.
gender equality means 80% to 20% in favor of women
Men and women are equal= but special laws need to be made to accommodate women specifically.
Men and women are equal = but as a man you have to treat her like a woman.....
husband cheats on wife =husband loses his house, kids, 50% of pay in divorce
women cheats on husband = husband loses his house, kids, 50% of pay in divorce
Talk show host and radio talent Wendy Williams put it this way: Russell brand did the right thing when divorcing Katy Perry, he didn't go after any of her millions, that's the manly thing to do. Maybe she should give that advice to her fellow gendered friends
Trayvon Martin
If I recall correctly, the SPLC supports black civil rights. The killing of Trayvon Martin has been seen as a racist act. What's also true is that it's a sexist act. Trayvon was targeted both for his race and his sex. (Assuming he was targeted, that is. I'm waiting for more data before reaching conclusions.)
My point is that many of the issues MRAs raise affect black men more--or at least as much--as white men. The role of the black father was all but destroyed by the government welfare policies, IMHO. That led to the criminalization of black juveniles, which leads to the problems many black males face. Not just because they're black--but because they are male. Black males are certainly among those men most demonized, as Trayvon may have been.
In that regard, SPLC should have more sympathy for the issues MRAs address.
I'm not sure I would consider
I'm not sure I would consider Wendy Williams to be a "talent". You remember her response to the Becker Kieu incident, right? Judging by her misandric attitude, her view of divorce is likely that it's "unmanly" to go after your ex-wife's money, but it's also "unmanly" to not expect your ex-wife to go after your money.
Equality - the word has been misused so many times, it's literally lost all meaning.