'America's War on Women'
Article here. Excerpt:
'What do you do when you don't have dragons to kill? You beat up women and remove their rights. It is the new American way. Women are smaller. They can be destroyed with a single word or with a well placed blow to the neck. They fall quicker than dragons and die easier. You can even have a fun time before you finish them off. When they are dead the problem is gone. This is the war on women.
So what do you do if people don't like you beating or killing a woman? You organize and whine. "Men have no rights in a divorce." "Judges always give women restraining orders." "Women always claim their husbands beat them." Here's a secret for you ladies. Even the guys who say these lines don't believe them. That hasn't stopped a hot air men's rights movement from springing up in support of batterers. "Punishing a batterer is sexist." "A 100 pound woman is just as much of a threat to a 250 pound man as he is to her." "Children are better off with a rich batterer than in a domestic violence shelter."'
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Should be expected
Painting MRA issues as associated with domestic violence perpetrators: Not a new ploy on the part of feminists. It should be an expected attempt to undermine us vis-a-vis the planks in our platform. Ignore it. It's a "Have you stopped beating your wife" type of situation they are trying to put us in. Don't even pay such people attention. I wouldn't have posted this piece of trash article except to point it up as an example of this rhetorical technique that MRAs must learn to recognize and deal with.
What I find amusing is the pop-up add begging for Donations due to the lowest funding month in a long time. With sensational drivel like this, it's no wonder. even moderate feminists would find this over the top.
I cannot even finish the
I cannot even finish the article. The guy is delusional. Here is an excerpt:
"Under current Republican gospel we must enact laws to force women to carry dead fetuses conceived through rape to term. During that time the woman has to refrain from taking any medicines that could harm the fetus. She may have to undergo life threatening conditions to maintain the pregnancy. She must die if necessary to avoid aborting the dead fetus. But she will go to heaven if she dies for that dead fetus. Isn't that a comfort ladies? The Republican agenda places the sperm of murderers and rapists above the lives of women." -Ken Stevens
This is not the "republican gospel" and we would never get to this extreme. He is using scare tactics not facts.
What I don't get is how even if a person were to believe there was a "war on woman", what would it have to do with the validity or cause of the men's rights movement? This guy is trying to say that with the current politics going on, woman need urgent attention, not men. This is beyond the typical "who has it worst" tactics.
Update: I did go back and finish the article. I cant believe this excerpt:
"Orange County is a Republican county and the Republicans have shown that they will allow men to torture and kill women at will. In the alternative men can rape women and demand that those women carry their babies to term. If it happens in Orange County there will be no prosecution for the rape. Those Republicans only have to answer to their God which in their case is Mars as in the God of War." -Ken Stevens
I also clicked on the "about the author" link. The author, Ken Stevens, is a college professor. That means he is likely spreading his beliefs to his students.
I Couldn't Finish It Either
This article could not have been written more poorly. It's also quite pathetic how within the first couple paragraphs he implies that Rush Limbaugh deserves to have his "gonads removed" for what he said, somewhat demonstrating how men are viewed as disposable, only to go on to deny that any men's issues actually exist, and that it's really a guise for anti-female hatred.
It seems to me that this man is projecting onto us. If you reverse the genders, that is the perfect description of what this man represents. He falsely accuses us of having no sympathy for women in every brutal scenario he depicts, yet if the same things were to happen to men, he couldn't care less.
'Tis nothing but lies and hypocrisy.