Oklahoma Democrat Adds ‘Every Sperm Is Sacred’ Amendment To Personhood Bill
Story here. Excerpt:
'State Senator Constance Johnson of Oklahoma City has served Oklahoma’s 48th Senate District since 2005, but it was yesterday’s introduction of Senate Bill 1433 that really pushed her over the edge. The bill sought to define human life as beginning at the moment of conception, before it’s even implanted in the womb, and offers full legal protection to those tiny multicelled lumps. In the words of the bill, “the unborn child at every stage of development (has) all the rights, privileges, and immunities available to other persons, citizens, and residents of this state.”
Johnson submitted an amendment of her own to the bill, which would have added the language,
However, any action in which a man ejaculates or otherwise deposits semen anywhere but in a woman’s vagina shall be interpreted and construed as an action against an unborn child.'
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More Straw Men
What is it with all these straw man arguments coming from pro-abortion women in the government? Every time somebody takes a swipe at abortion, they look for a completely irrelevant analogy to try to garner sympathy. A human being has 46 or 47 chromosomes, not 23, like sperm cells. This makes what Johnson said completely irrelevant. By her same logic then, any women choosing to use a dildo instead of have sex with men would also be committing an act against an unborn child.
I must admit though, while I am pro-life, outlawing all forms of contraception is a ridiculous idea.
Real Men Don't Take Abuse!
I had to share this with you guys
Katy M. · Top Commenter
another new hero, added to the congresswoman who tried to add an amendment requiring rectal exams for men... this is rich indeed.
thank you, ladies.
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Follow Post · Wednesday at 5:32pm
*Evan Soringler · Top Commenter · 26 years old
Are you kidding me? The logic of these women is pathetic! For one, whether or not a man gets an ED prescription, does not determine if a human zygote already formed will get a chance at life. Quite frankly, I think if a woman gets an abortion, she should be sterilized to ensure that no other children are discarded needlessly. And don't you dare call me sexist for saying that. Men don't get to postpone being dads once their girlfriend or wife gets pregnant. They are held legally responsible for the children for 18 years. Equal rights, anyone?
Real Men Don't Take Abuse!
Pro-abortion ontology
A fetus--created as a result of sperm and egg conjoining--is not a real human being but a sperm cell is.
Apparently, the womb exists in another dimension, in which the fetus comes in and out of existence as the woman wishes. Sperm cells and born babies share the same reality as , well, the rest of us.
Perhaps this is the female equivalent of the double-slit experiment. If a woman observes the light, it's real. If a man observes the light, it's not--unless the woman also observes the light.
In the end, just another opportunity for women to control men's behavior.