Korean human rights commission disapproves women-only library
Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2012-02-07 11:48
Article here. Excerpt:
'The National Human Rights Commission has issued its opinion that operating a municipal library for women only, which men are not allowed to use, constitutes gender discrimination and must be eliminated.
On the 7th the NHRC issued a judgment that the operation by a civic group of a women-only public library violates men’s rights to equality and constitutes discrimination, and advised the library to cease excluding men.
The library retorted that because its patrons constitute 15% of all library patrons in the city and the volume of use it sees during its long hours makes it more difficult to run than other libraries in the city, so it believes it is appropriate to place more restrictions on men than women.'
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Huh??? Holy non-sequitur, Batman!
1. Library has limited hours.
2. Library hosts only 15% of all library patrons in the city.
3. It's appropriate to exclude men from it.
Someone help me here with 'the logic' of this argument. How again does this add up?
I'd expect to see this kind of thing from a Sharia court in one of your more conservative Muslim countries, only with the sexes reversed. Excluding people from academic resources is a great way to keep them un- and under-educated and thus ignorant about how they are getting shafted. Don't know who this 'anonymous donor' is is but they seem fine with screwing men over this way.
Way to go, Korea! It's nice to see that some people are able to see anti-male sexism for what it is.
Women who think it's sexist for men to have boys only clubs, but think this type of thing is fine are complete hypocrites!
Real Men Don't Take Abuse!
I couldn't follow that line of "reasoning" either!
Matt, I had a hard time following this, too. The best that I can come up with is this: "We are busy and our resources are limited. So, we can limit the number of people using our facilities by not permitting men to use them". They could just as easily have banned children, the obese, the elderly, anyone not affiliated with the "true" religion, etc. But, of course, they figured that it was safest just to ban men. Afterall, we know how THEY are. Women should not be forced to associate with them. Besides, what group is going to defend them? Any guy who complains is dismissed as a whiner.
It reminds me of the "logic" behind the policy of "Cleaning for a Reason", which provides maid services to cancer victims, but only if the victims are female. Their rationale? "We have limited resources. We can't help everyone, so we'll only help women".
They, too, decided that they could discriminate against men and get away with it. And, you know what? So far, they're right. I have a feeling that the people who run the library in Korea will be right, as well. I don't know that the NHRC can force them to change their policy, and it didn't seem that they had any desire to do so.