Mark Steyn: No more ‘women and children first'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Today there is no social norm, so it's every man for himself – operative word "man," although not many of the chaps on the Titanic would recognize those on the Costa Concordia as "men." From a grandmother on the latter: "I was standing by the lifeboats and men, big men, were banging into me and knocking the girls."

Whenever I write about these subjects, I receive a lot of mail from men along the lines of this correspondent:

"The feminists wanted a gender-neutral society. Now they've got it. So what are you complaining about?"

And so the manly virtues (if you'll forgive a quaint phrase) shrivel away to the so-called "man caves," those sad little redoubts of beer and premium cable sports networks.

We are beyond social norms these days. A woman can be a soldier. A man can be a woman. A 7-year-old cross-dressing boy can join the Girl Scouts in Colorado because he "identifies" as a girl. It all adds to life's rich tapestry, no doubt. But I can't help wondering, when the ship hits the fan, how many of us will still be willing to identify as a man.
The contempt for "women and children first" is not a small loss. For soft cultures in good times, dispensing with social norms is easy. In hard times, you may have need of them.'

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"The contempt for "women and children first" is not a small loss. For soft cultures in good times, dispensing with social norms is easy. In hard times, you may have need of them."

Men have been so given to believe they are dispensable and their lives worth so much less than those of women that they will gladly write articles like this one. If there is a masculist equivalent of 'mind-rape' as feminists have defined it, I'd say the author's brand of chivalry would be it.

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Any woman or man who expects a man to die so a woman can live is a sexist, straight up. On a sinking ship, anybody who is not a bigot would recommend children w/ one parent or their guardian first, then the elderly and disabled, then everybody else. It's time society stopped viewing male utility and disposability as "being a real man". More like being a real sap.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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LOL. They actually removed my comment. I guess the site this article is on is not a conservative one, but a facist one. I must have struck a nerve when I bitch-slapped the author of the article with the truth. I just reposted the comment.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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