Suit: Boy falls & breaks leg, teacher says crawl back to school
Story here. Excerpt:
'Teachers at a Skokie school forced a 6-year-old with a broken leg and a concussion to crawl back to his classroom across an icy playground, then failed to call for an ambulance, according to a lawsuit filed Tuesday.
Kindergartner Rahul Chandani slipped on a mound of snow and hit his head in the playground at Devonshire Elementary School on Jan. 3 last year, but didn’t get any medical help until his mom came to get him, the lawsuit filed in Cook County circuit court by Chandani’s parents Pritam and Priya alleges.
“His teacher told him, ‘You’re a big boy — I can’t carry you,’” the boy’s mother, Priya Chandani, said Wednesday, “She told him to walk back, but his leg was broken so he fell again and then had to crawl at least 200-300 feet back to the school building.
“If someone did that to me as an adult, I’d slap them.”
Skokie School District 68 officials declined to comment on the negligence suit Wednesday, but Chandani said that her son was off school for six weeks recovering from the injuries, that he had trouble sleeping, needed six months of rehabilitation and was “emotionally scarred” by the incident.'
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I don't think schools are safe for children....
I am really disgusted with schools. Lately I have had some discussions with my relatives in regards to poor treatment within the schools and with some newbies on my online homeschool group have reported some outrages situations as well.
The schools have a relentless attitude that children are safest under their care and that they should be in charge of decisions and policies instead of parents even in regards to things that have nothing to do with academics. Parents are treated like 2nd class citizens that can't be trusted to get their kids to school safely, pack a proper lunch, or get proper health care (the schools are now asking for very personal information including contact with doctors - not so they can understand or teach the child better, but to oversee that parents are doing things correctly).
Some one pointed out to me that maybe some parents need this guidance. My thought is this: if public schools treat parents like idiots, then only idiot parents will stay in the public school system.
In my state it is common for schools to tell parents what to pack in lunches (some require a parent's signature to be sure they understand). Some schools do not allow students to walk or ride bikes to/from school even if a parent deems their child capable to do so (so much for teaching independence and responsibility) and if an older student temporarily needs over the counter medicine during the school day (like ibuprofen for menstrual cramps, or cream for jock itch) , the parent must have their doctor fill out a specific two-page form provided by the school that will explain the reason for the medicine and that the doctor personally instructed the student on proper dosage (this is over the counter meds - which does not legally require any doctor oversite and already has instructions on the package, plus it is an invasion of privacy for the school to require all this, IMO). But the schools are just being "safe" I am told....
....and then shit like this happens to this boy!
I Concur
I find it very disheartening to see so many articles about teachers doing a piss poor job caring for children. The lack of competent teachers, in conjunction with the fact that male teachers are virtually nonexistent in elementary schools these days, makes it hard for me to decide whether to teach high school or elementary. High school would definitely be easier, but I feel I could make more of an impact on the elementary level. It's too bad I can't just work in a K-12 school. Then I could make an impact on both levels.
I'm glad the student's parents are suing the teacher and the school. I wish them all the best!
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