"New Year's Eve most dangerous night of the year for domestic violence"
Article here. Excerpt:
'SAN DIEGO – December 30, 2011 – Most of us enjoy some harmless excitement and revelry on New Year’s Eve, even if some of us overindulge in a little too much food and drink.
But for many women and men at risk of domestic violence, New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day are the two most dangerous dates on the calendar.
According to the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence, domestic violence reports increase as much as 30 percent on New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day. This comes after lower than average reports of domestic violence between Thanksgiving and Christmas.
It seems that people sit on a powder keg during the holidays, trying to keep things together and under control so they don’t “ruin” Thanksgiving and Christmas. Moms will do just about anything to make Christmas nice for their children. Abusers are also known to tighten their grip on their victims over the holidays. They extort promises of “good behavior” with the excuse of making everything nice for the children.'
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Don't let the 2nd para. fool you...
The article goes on to be written like only women are DV victims and of course it pulls out bad stats. As of this writing, there was only one comment made re the article and thankfully it was from someone who pointed readers to RADAR.
condemned by omission
Notice quote:
"Moms will do just about anything to make Christmas nice for their children."
By simply omitting the dads from this sentence, the obvious implication is that dads DON'T don't do anything nice for their children. Yes, they are the sole abusers. /sarcasm. Additionally, it paints with a broad brush that all moms are nice. What crap.
Check the byline.
It's an advertorial. The author is a divorce lawyer seeking to advance her own business. I'd love to know which way the money flowed.
Omission, indeed
She also didn't mention any examples of female perpetrated DV in San Diego. Here are two cases. Luckilly the victims survived in both cases, but in one case the man was shot five times!
Real Men Don't Take Abuse!
Pink is the new black and blue...
...in the same way New Year's Eve is the new Superbowl Day. How long can people get away with publishing these types of half-truths and falsehoods. The propaganda machine seems to be spinning ever faster.