Feminists cannot defend their positions
Submitted by afg on Sun, 2006-07-23 03:37
Here (.mp3 file - 4.5 MB) is a taped phone call by a men's rights activist to a Canadian feminist government worker. She cannot defend her position when asked various questions about feminist beliefs.
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Well worth the download and listen. Three cheers for the MRA who made that call!! If we all made a call like that once a week to some politican, newspaper, or bureaucracy, men's rights would be on the political landscape.
I wish this guy would call
I wish this guy would call this woman and record the call every week. That would be funny.
Social Prohibitions Keep Women From Choosing?
I think the guy who called deserves at least a voucher for 29 minutes of therapy paid by the Ministry for Womenz Equality after risking the brain damage he faced by making this call!
The most telling aspect of the conversation was the MWE's spokesgirl's robotic, blank, droning ATM machine-like voice.
This is what happens when you send your daughter to university, and they send you back a womenz studies graduate student.
"I'm a bureaucrat..."
No, she aspires to be one. Presently she's a bureaucrat's lowly fone-ho'.
Jesus, that left a sour taste in my mouth.
She all but said "like, since when do we need to tell the truth?".
My hat's off to that guy for keeping his temper.
Like all women, she seems to think that being a man is about privledge and power, when it is about responsibilities and burdens first and foremost.
Her mind will never change. Why would it?
BTW, anyone know how I can save a copy of this mp3?
How to Save
Right click the link, select "save target as..." from the drop-down menu, navigate to the folder you want to save it in, and click save.
Gee. What a surprise.
Surely there can't be a man among us who actually believes that these feminists and their brainwashed followers believe we're human beings. The hatred and objectification of men is so prolific, so accepted that it makes this society's treatment of racial and religious minorities look all warm and fuzzy. I can't imagine what a black man must go through.
Turn on a television:
Open a newspaper:
Go to a movie, or attend a public function:
Read the law:
Go to school:
Go to work:
Phone your government:
It doesn't matter that we're right. It doesn't matter that women are using lies, guilt, pussy and our naturally protective nature to take advantage of us. Even when we prove we're innocent, or that women are taking advantage of us, or that laws and society are clearly biased against us, or that substituting "black" or "jew" into what some loudmouthed female just said would get her charged with inciting hatred: nobody gives a fuck, because we're disposable animals to these women.
Do you think that misandric government moron learned anything from that conversation? Or that she now believes it might be a good idea to be able to prove some of the misandric rhetoric she's paid to spew uncontrollably? Of course not: she's never had to prove her hatred in the past, so why start now. Feelings are more important than proof anyways, just ask her. In her black-is-white, up-is-down, delusional little world, if they assault, abuse or marginalize a man or a boy, it's the man's fault, or some man's fault. If women aren't outperforming and out-earning men in every possible situation at all times, it's because men are scum. If women are faring better than men, it's because women are superior. They can do no wrong, and doublethink is the only type of thought in their hateful, brainwashed little heads. It will never be enough. When there isn't a single man left standing, that cow on the other end of the phone will be mooing uncontrollably about how oppressed she is, and how she deserves something else we've worked and died to earn, and how it's all some man's fault.
Ever overheard two women talking about a man? The depth of the average conversation consists of how they can use him to their own advantage, or plain, unrestrained hatred of the man in question or men in general. Even the average woman who claims she's "not like that" is very much "like that", and believe you me, she'll be happy enough to prove that for you, if you're foolish enough to allow her to live in your house or get within 10 feet of one of your sperm.
Great Tactic
This is a very intelligent way to record the gender bias and outright misandry that are endemic in government departments. I have, many times, rang or written government ministers and departments and raised issues of anti male bias in legislation and social policy. They always just brush me off. I once rang a domestic violence helpline and was told, with much contempt, that I should just walk away even if this left my kids in danger. I wish now that I had recorded these exchanges and posted them for others to hear.
This could be a very useful tactic for MRA's to adopt. The above example shows that the BC women's department is simply an ideologically driven false propaganda machine - the same as the Australian Office for Women and all other government run women's departments in the Western World.
Could someone write a transcript of the conversation? Makes it easier for non-native speakers and allows it to be indexed by search engines directly..
It would also be of advantage if the name of the office (and even better, the person) would be in the news item's introduction so they also appear in searches.
Too Bad He wasn't an Attorney
My only complaint with the conversation was too many "you knows" from the gentleman and the fact that he could not tell her exactly where he got the data that shows that single college educated women actually make MORE than men.
His point regarding the 85 studies was excellent - which she dismissed as "well, that's your opinion" - which he then came back "its NOT my opinion, these are international studies done by university professors and other experts, and their findings are very consistent".
Why aren't male attorneys attacking these bureaus?
Are they too busy making a living and supporting their families? Is is that there just isn't enough money to be had from attacking "the government"?
I suspect so. When your responsibilities include supporting your entire family, (including, possibly, "first families" which always take priority) you have to have a bigger payout.
oregon dad
How come I can't download it?
How come I can't download it?
I tried for two days now and I am DYING to hear this.
I am rather frustrated about this as I would LOVE to hear her sputtering.
Any ideas?
Depends On The Browser
If you have the Microsoft Internet Explorer browser, place your pointer over the mp3 link and right click, when popup comes up right click "Save Target As" a "Save As" screen will come up, pick the file you want MINIST.mp3 to go to or just send it to your desktop.
If you have the Firefox browser, place you pointer over the mp3 link and right click, popup comes up, right click "Save Link As", the Save As screen comes up with MINIST.mp3 highlighted in the "file name" window. Chose the file you want it to go to or simply place it on you desktop.
I usually bypass all of this by using the GETRIGHT download manager. see: http://www.getright.com/ Works best for me.
MRA Handled Himself Well
The MRA presented a textbook way of handling these inquiries. He didn't seem to ever get frustrated with the female bureaucrat's evasions and general obtuseness.
He had his facts at hand whereas the bureaucrat seemed to be fumbling around for facts and figures.
A good technique for others to emulate and learn from.
OT but..."Hey, was Marc Lepine really that bad?"
good for him
i keep this short and simple:
he destroyed her with clarity, intellect and knowledge. i'll say it again...GOOD FOR HIM!
Here (.mp3 file - 4.5 MB)
I would like to thank you people for your comments, on the MP3 conversation as we have done with hundred's of other government workers, political parties across Canada, including police, crown, the Liberals and conservatives, including are political incorrect letters published in newspapers also. We are the same people, who also brought forth the federal law suit in Canada against (SOW's) "Status of Women" report that put out a hit lists on men's rights groups and indivuals, as it was sanctioned by the federal liberals and now Harpers Government. What we have found is that both governments in Canada don't give one dam about you fathers, their children, and they hold views that want to criminalize you dads and shove you in jail as their government report has shown while using the terrorist act to silence your views, for being a dad and holding views they don't like.
One fellow posted that he couldn't download the MP3
The governments in Canada and including the US government and their officals spying rings have had their IP's banned, and while we know it will not stop them from viewing the website if they choose, it slows them down and does frustrate them to no end as their E-mails we recived from government lawyer officals,
We will be posting more soon interesting news soon showing how these people really are.
Mark G. Hansel
downloading problem (Government IP's have been banned)
Mr. LSBeene
In your E-mail, you said you were in Iraq serving, so just for your information, I have sent you the MP3 in E-mail and maybe your ISP service will allow the MP3 to be viewed. Good luck and stay safe!
You seem more positive than I am:)
I agree with all your statements, of course. But allow me to just add:
It is a true fact of psychology, that in relationships in general, women tend to focus on the relationship itself, whereas men focus on the other person(the partner). In other words, the man's in love with the woman, but she is in love with the relationship..assuming it's going ok (from her point of view).
Much misunderstanding and pain are caused by not recognizing this simple fact.
And now that disgusting feminist pigs are in control, why should a man be so stupid as to assume any woman would love him for what he is, except for the rare decent woman (i.e. needle in haystack).
-Axolotl (formerly 'quetzal')
suggested improvements for round 2
This was good, but I there are a few things that could be done better and would help ensure that the resulting recording was even more devestating:
1. have all your stats printed and in front of you
- both the ministry's and his positions were
weakened by technical difficulties (computer
- take notes on paper if needed
- have all studies on paper... indexed...
collated... and memorized if you have to.
2. Stick to points you have stats for
- don't bother arguing philisophical points
eg. Why are more men doing dangerous jobs?
- you get touchy feely answers
3. Summarize their points
- summarize their point and ask them for
confirmation that you are correct
- this demonstrates both a willingness to
understand and confirms you are both
discussing the same point
- didn't notice this problem in this
interview, but we probably want to
continue avoiding the problem
3. Disagree with their touchy feely statements
- she says something to the effect that the
there is a traditional imbalance of power
(justifying the Ministry)
- disagree with that statement.
4. Disagree by asking for studies
- disagreeing just out of hand makes you sound
like a jerk
- asking for studies, makes you look curious
and wanting to learn
- go read those studies to verify the results
- if they can't produce studies, don't push
the point... makes you sound like a jerk
5. Write up an analysis of arguments
- nice touch to help people understand points
you gave up just to keep the interview civil
when its not going anywhere (no point in
antagonising the person you are interviewing)
- be gracious (if they made a good point, give
it to them)
- analyse the studies they cited to prove
their point
- points they make and can't back up (step
four)... here is a good place to point that
Maybe someone else can add a couple of good ideas to this. Maybe someone with experience in Journalism, or Law, or formal Debate... That's right... Please go dust of that old textbook you haven't looked at in 20 years and just see if it has anything interesting.
All in all, good job, and nice idea. I've wanted to try something like this for a while but haven't had the guts to do it. Good on you for doing it.
How do you do this?
Of course I'm going to sound like an idiot with all you IT savvy individuals, but how would I go about taping a phone call?
Further, how do I display a link to the mp3 file we are talking about - I would love to let the brothers on Australian MRA sites know about it.
Also, how do I download any taped phone calls I might make?
This technique, if done intelligently and with civility - attack the ball, not the player - would be an excellelent way to expose the contempt that many womyn's organisations hold for the male gender.
It would be like the American Civil Rights Movement, which used the new technology of television to show the world what was really going on.
While I'm not without
While I'm not without sympathy for a ordinary employee blindsided by an activist brandishing real statistics and actually disagreeing (!) with the establishment, her attitude sure does stink.
No attempt at all to even partially agree with the caller; stonewalling; and, best of all, advising the caller that he should just look for political candidates and "vote in a way that makes you feel better" (paraphrased).
At first I thought the caller's soft-spoken voice would be a liability, but it's surprisingly effective in this situation because he never yells or intimidates the employee at all.
Would've been nice for him to inform the employee of the issues he was going to bring up right at the beginning: wage gap fallacy, DV fallacy, and disproportionate government attention. "I want the Ministry's position on these three things:..."
Because of the meandering conversation, I got the impression that she didn't even know what he was talking about and thus gave non-answers. (OTOH, being an employee of the Ministry, she should be ready to tackle any of its issues!) Making his points absolutely clear from the beginning, and *then* watching her squirm, would be much more effective!
great idea
Yes, this should definately be done as much as possible by many MRAs; let's move these baby steps into toddler steps (if you care to continue on with that metaphor).
My deep thanks and appreciation goes out to the caller.