Marriage: What’s in It for Men?
Article here. Excerpt:
'Second, we must retract the message Boomers sent young women about female empowerment. Indeed, it isn’t a coincidence that marriage rates have plummeted alongside America’s fascination with the feminist movement. Empowerment for women, as defined by feminists, neither liberates women nor brings couples together. It separates them. It focuses on women as perpetual victims of the Big Bad Male. Why would any man want to get married when he’s been branded a sexist pig at “hello”? In the span of just a few decades, women have managed to demote men from respected providers and protectors to being unnecessary, irrelevant, and downright expendable. Consider these examples:
Consider these examples:
#*# Author and journalist Natalie Angier begins an article in the New York Times by writing, “Women may not find this surprising, but one of the most persistent and frustrating problems in evolutionary biology is the male. Specifically#…#why doesn’t he just go away?”
#*# In a CNN interview with Maureen Dowd about her 2005 book, Are Men Necessary? Dowd says, “Now that women don’t need men to reproduce and refinance, the question is, will we keep you around? And the answer is, ‘You know, we need you in the way we need ice cream — you’ll be more ornamental.’”
The concerns of men frequently arrive in my inbox. The latest is from Mark Trueblood, who had this to say: “From a man’s perspective, men take on an untenable risk. The culture of male disposability runs deep — some say even at the level of our DNA.” Because of this, he says, “Men are making a lifelong commitment to eschew marriage, cohabitation, and even dating in some cases. We do so for all the reasons you can guess, and more. As far as I am concerned, this is the wisest lifestyle decision for men in the United States at this point in time. And I say so as a conservative/libertarian who fully acknowledges the power of a functioning nuclear family.”
Mark Trueblood is not an anomaly. Countless men’s-rights groups have popped up across the country, and even more men happily shack up with their girlfriends with no plans to get married — which may sit well with women for a while, until their clocks begins to tick, and they become desperate for a baby. All of the sudden men look more appealing — but the men don’t want to marry them.'
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Women need marriage more than men do
"The olive branch in Western culture, derived from the customs of Ancient Greece, symbolizes peace or victory and was worn by brides."
References to an olive branch go back to the fifth century BCE. Even back then, women won the "fight" (romance) when they got a man to marry them. These days, when they marry, men must give up their freedom, and their personal goals, to support a woman, and her family goals. No wonder it was considered to be a fight. No wonder the bride considered herself victorious.
As much as things may have been lopsided in favor of women back then, they are intolerably lopsided in the favor of women now. Why should modern American men get married? So some woman can soak them for lifetime alimony? So she can take half of his stuff? So she can estrange him from his own children via parental alienation syndrome? So she can tell him to get rid of his friends so that she can emotionally dominate his life? So his sexual opportunities will be limited to one woman for the rest of his life (or at least until she divorces his sorry ass)? Really why should men get married? This author sees no compelling reasons.
Women need marriage a lot more than men need marriage. For thousands of years it has been that way. Men are fine sitting this one out. Women are not... but who wanted all this feminist stuff? Women! Another indication of the short time time horizon of most women... they don't think about the implications of their actions. They just impulsively act.
today's news
marriage is in the crapper.
marriage has really turned into an institution.
and who the he!! wants to live in an institution?
women's greed screwed it up, had to have it all. now all the free college for
women is just the latest attempt to make sure they don't all wind up on the dole.
its amazing how much of our tax $$ is directed to support women.
i guess the 'powers that be' figure guys will make it, one way or another. probably mostly true.
fact: you are not a partner in any way if the other person holds all the cards.
that is defined as a sole proprietor, with a servant, not a partnership.
what sane person would sign up for a role as somebody elses servant?
but guys chasing tail are just like that big buck chasing does. and that's when i kill him.
when he gets stupid, and makes a BIG mistake. for guys these days, that would be marriage.